Illegals to be Housed at US Military Bases
Warm welcome for lawbreakers.
Warm welcome for lawbreakers.
…A judge dismissed the lawsuit in 1998, saying Jones could not demonstrate what damages were caused by Clinton’s alleged harassment. After Jones appealed the dismissal, Clinton paid her a settlement [Read More]
TruthRevolt: On Thursday, CNN will host a town hall with President Obama as part of his “final-year push to make gun control part of his legacy.” In addition to sitting [Read More]
JihadWatch: Who better to advise on religious liberty issues than a useful idiot for a Hamas front? In July 2009, Warren addressed the annual convention of the Islamic Society of [Read More]
NBC- Philadelphia: The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office declined Wednesday to file criminal charges against comedian Bill Cosby over allegations he sexually assaulted a woman at the Playboy Mansion [Read More]
BigGovernment: Democrat frontrunner Hillary Clinton’s disappearance from the debate stage last month left people speculating that the former First Lady took a long bathroom break, but now a law-enforcement source [Read More]
ConservativeReview: Levin explains the legal doctrine of jus sanguinis – Latin for right of blood. Levin explains that under U.S. law a person who’s mother is an American citizen at the [Read More]
Breitbart: Progressives and Hillary Clinton can’t dismiss the multiple rape-claims against Bill Clinton without damaging the ability of other women to protect themselves against sexual assault, says far-left
TownHall: The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has posted a link to their Facebook page clarifying requirements for people selling guns to obtain a Federal Firearms License.
WE: TransCanada on Wednesday accused President Obama in a federal lawsuit of exceeding his constitutional authority when rejecting the Keystone XL pipeline and, in a separate challenge, said the White [Read More]
Steyn Online: One year ago today – January 7th 2015 – two Muslim fanatics burst into the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and killed a dozen people, including [Read More]
A guy is driving around the back woods of Montana and he sees a sign in front of a broken down shanty-style house: ‘Talking Dog For Sale’He rings the bell [Read More]
ABC7— Macy’s is cutting thousands of jobs after disappointing holiday sales. The Cincinnati-based department store chain says sales fell 5.2 percent in November and December at existing stores. Warm weather and [Read More]
Report contradicts Bill Richardson’s claims: ‘It was just a little tap’. h/t Connie. ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.