MJA – Page 4016 – IOTW Report

Bernie Realizes He Lost the Primary

Friday, 6 November 2015, 17:15 MJA 15

CommentaryMagazine: Bernie Sanders probably thought he really had a shot at this. After all, anyone who would proudly call themselves a democratic socialist in the midst of an earnest bid [Read More]

Stabbers for Allah

Friday, 6 November 2015, 15:45 MJA 5

MarkSteyn: The photo at right comes from the “Hitler” menswear store in Gaza. I don’t know whether Hitler himself is running it. If you know your P G Wodehouse, you’ll [Read More]

Going to Health in a Handbasket

Friday, 6 November 2015, 0:15 MJA 10

Hope n’ Change: There’s no real commentary here today, owing to the fact that we’re still up to our eyeballs trying to find a replacement health insurance policy for the [Read More]

And we thought Barack was bad

Thursday, 5 November 2015, 17:45 MJA 44

PatriotRetort: So, in case you were curious: Michelle Obama is in the Middle East on another taxpayer-funded junket disguised as an education initiative. Michelle is traveling to countries that stone [Read More]

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