Cruz: Internet Freedom in Jeopardy
TruthRevolt: Ted Cruz is ringing the warning bell for internet freedom, saying moves by the Obama administration put the wild west atmosphere of the net in jeopardy.
TruthRevolt: Ted Cruz is ringing the warning bell for internet freedom, saying moves by the Obama administration put the wild west atmosphere of the net in jeopardy.
TheTower: October 19 was “adoption day,” one of the markers of the nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers in July. It is the date by which Iran says it will voluntary adopt [Read More]
Land of the briefcase devices…
These are warm, loving people… TR: Proving once again how truly out of touch with reality he is, a 1985 interview has surfaced in which Sen. Bernie Sanders, then mayor [Read More]
And makes friends with gun control groups. [Which eventually will force them to become pro-gun groups.] And then there’s this:
*Wink Wink* Breitbart: GOP 2016 candidate Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) is trying to escape his disastrous 2013 decision to back the Gang of Eight immigration bill that would have provided amnesty for [Read More]
Some of it is NSFW, angry and offensive to both women and men. How empowering. BigGovernment: First Lady Michelle Obama is out with her first Spotify playlist, featuring female artists [Read More]
AmericanThinker: The idea of habitat exchange has been gaining ground at the state and federal level. Already several western states have implemented small-scale exchanges through which businesses, energy companies, government [Read More]
Turkish authorities have discovered Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) training camps for children in basements hidden in Istanbul. Breitbart: Hürriyet Daily News reported that “24 of around 50 suspects of Tajik and Uzbek [Read More]
American Thinker: Do remember that America actually had a healthcare system before Obama came on the scene, and doctors were regularly performing medical miracles all around the country. Not only [Read More]
Man Who Died On Aer Lingus Flight Had ‘2lbs Of Cocaine In His Stomach’ Original story here
WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Democrats have blocked legislation to crack down on “sanctuary cities” that shield residents from federal immigration authorities. The 54-45 vote on the measure fell shy [Read More]
WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb said Tuesday he is dropping out of the Democratic race for president and is considering his options about how he might “remain [Read More]
The scandal in the Chicago Public schools is likely to affect the Democrats’ primary contest for the US Senate. The Chicago Machine’s Great Black Hope, Harvard educated Andea Zopp, was [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.