Authorization of military force against Mexican cartels fueling fentanyl crisis gaining support – IOTW Report

Authorization of military force against Mexican cartels fueling fentanyl crisis gaining support

JTN: A resolution introduced by GOP Reps. Mike Waltz and Dan Crenshaw authorizing military action against Mexican drug cartels fueling the deadly fentanyl epidemic sweeping the U.S. is gaining more cosponsors.

According to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF), “fentanyl and fentanyl-related substances kill approximately 80,000 Americans every year and is the leading cause of death for American men between the ages of 18 and 45.”

If passed and signed into law, the resolution would give President Biden the authority “to use military force against cartels based on their fentanyl trafficking, production, and distribution; their use of force against US law enforcement and/or military, law enforcement and/or military of a neighboring country, and/or to gain control of territory to use for their criminal enterprise.” MORE

18 Comments on Authorization of military force against Mexican cartels fueling fentanyl crisis gaining support

  1. But it’s OK if you keep trafficking humans and under age minors to supply the wealthy and congress. Just not fentanyl, Lighthead won’t be happy. Or is it just a ploy to spike the price of fentanyl?

  2. WHOA Whoaa!!!
    Slow down tiger lets find the U.S. military an opponent that General Milley can beat first…. perhaps a 3rd grade girls soccer team.

  3. Can I build a nice house next to a tweaker house, then leave the door wide open and use force against anyone crossing my doorway? Because that’s what it sounds like they are proposing.

  4. …I seem to remember the US doing cross-border military operations because of high profile killers before.

    How’d that work out?

    ht tps://

  5. 15 years TOO late.

    Barky – 8
    Trump – 4 (but he was trying with the fence)
    Turnip – 3 (business partners & nancy’s crop pickers)

  6. What next after Ukies, China, Mexico ??? then what, Canada, Cuba. Who else can the USA be at war with? Something is sure in a hurry for this great reset we keep hearing about.

  7. We ran out of ammmo because we sent it all to Ukraine to fight a war the UNITED STATES goaded Putin into. The cartels are looking good, especially when they start terrifying ALL of the 50 states with terror attacks. Then, martial law. See? The swamp plan worked.


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