Auto Worker Who Biden Called ‘Full of Sh*t’ Speaks Out In Interviews – IOTW Report

Auto Worker Who Biden Called ‘Full of Sh*t’ Speaks Out In Interviews

The auto worker, Jerry Wayne, appeared on Fox & Friends, and the Washington Examiner quoted him saying, “I thought I was pretty articulate and respectful. I didn’t try to raise any — any feathers. And he kind of just went off the deep end. I saw that he was digging a hole. And I just kind of let him talk for a while to dig the hole.”


26 Comments on Auto Worker Who Biden Called ‘Full of Sh*t’ Speaks Out In Interviews

  1. What would Joe have done if this guy accepted his offer to step outside to settle the matter?

    Joe regularly spouts off like such a tough guy. At some point someone’s gonna clean his clock.

  2. EE — O’Biden Bama has been surrounded by a security detail for so long he knows he can say or do anything and no physical harm will come to him. He hasn’t thought about that day in the future (sooner than later) when he’s called to account without a Secret Service bodyguard protecting him.

  3. AA, yea, except he’s mouthing off to the wrong group. A lot of the OTHER guys in hard hats would have followed. In fact I’d be surprised if some Secret Service guy didn’t tell Biden to shut his damn mouth from now on.
    Kind of makes you wonder what the DNC is up to. There’s no way this guy is electable.

  4. I know Joe has been dumb and mean for quite some time, but I wonder if he’s ramping it up lately because he thinks he can be ‘in your face’ as Trump is. Difference is, Trump is funny about it, sneaky, a troller. But Joe just looks crazy. (dementia or not).

  5. Pretty salty for an old fart surrounded by security.
    He’s writing Alligator checks with his mouth that his Gecko ass can’t cash
    I hope Biden gets the nom and gets to a debate
    Mr.Trump will play the Toreador, goading slow witted Biden into a rage that will having him spewing inanities and hopefully, if we have been good, Biden’s dentures will fly out, causing all networks to go to commercial except Fox.
    And I will laugh.
    Long and well will I laugh. From deep in my center will it come, and it will pour out, and this long and well laughed laugh will resound throughout the treetops and all the howler monkeys and parrots will call their calls in answer to me in agreement.

  6. Secret Service doesn’t protect the candidates. They have private security.
    But they’re considering SS protection since the Bernouts have been protesting and following Biden, and Sanders with the weirdo Greenies movement.

  7. That demented old PERV wouldn’t know an assault weapon if it bit him in the ass! They probably weren’t invented when he went to BOOT CAMP…Oh wait, he didn’t serve in the military he only played football for passing grades in school.

  8. Doesn’t matter how many security staff he has if he keeps getting in people’s faces like that. Anybody with decent fighting experience could lay Joe out cold before anyone else could lift a finger.

  9. Any time some leftist gunhater asshole tells me I shouldn’t have guns I demand to know if they’ll disarm the criminals too and how they would go about doing it

    Crickets. All I get is crickets. Every Time.

  10. did y’all notice the union boss come in from the right to try & move Wayne away? … Wayne’ll be riding the union hall bench for years for daring to stand his ground

  11. Remember that time in the debates when Obama was preeezy and Joe bared his teeth at the Republican VP candidate that he was debating. Joe has always been a whack job.

  12. It’s high time all of us stop using cutesy names for Biden. “Uncle Joe” and crap like that are far too friendly for this lunatic. “Biden” is enough. Stop coddling this threat to America.


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