Autopsies Reveal Details of San Bernardino Terror Attack – IOTW Report

Autopsies Reveal Details of San Bernardino Terror Attack

NBC 10: Bullet holes riddled the furniture, ceiling, walls and floor, according to the reports.

Autopsies released Friday of the 14 victims of the San Bernardino terror attack confirm that all died quickly after being shot at least twice but also reveal chilling details of the carnage.

San Bernardino County released the heavily redacted autopsies as part of a public records request by The Associated Press.

san bernardino victims

Victims of the Dec. 2 attack were San Bernardino County public health workers attending an annual training inside a vast conference room that had been decked out for Christmas. Dressed in black and wearing ski masks, one of their co-workers, Syed Rizwan Farook, and his wife opened fire on the group before the pair was killed in a same-day shootout with police.

The autopsies of the husband-and-wife killers were not released Friday. County spokesman David Wert said their death investigations had not been finished and had no estimate of when they would be ready.

The victim autopsies detail the chaos inside the 85-by-40-foot conference room where most took their last breaths.


10 Comments on Autopsies Reveal Details of San Bernardino Terror Attack

  1. “The autopsies of the husband-and-wife killers were not released Friday. County spokesman David Wert said their death investigations had not been finished and had no estimate of when they would be ready.”

    Don’t give a fuck about those, except when it reads: total weight of lead contamination in both corpses exceed weight of flesh. 😉

  2. “Notice that none of the victims had a chance to defend themselves. Anyone on the fence about gun rights ought to give that some thought.”

    Apparently that’s not a logical thought process for a liberal because California liberals are using this Terrorist attack as an excuse to further disarm the public. As they release more criminals from jail I might add.

  3. If you are in a major city close to major medical centers then the majority of the time if you are shot you either die quickly….or you don’t. If you survive long enough to reach a trauma center then your odds of surviving increase enormously. Most people don’t realize that more than 80% of the people who are shot in America DO NOT DIE, they receive medical care and survive. If you are not struck in the head, heart or a major blood vessel and you get proper medical care to prevent exsanguination your odds of surviving a GSW are very good. Whether or not you recover enough to live a normal life is a different issue.

  4. @Dan – thanks for that. Modern trauma medicine is, to me, quite mindbogglingly good – close to miraculous.

    The knowledge and capabilities of our doctors and surgeons is the only good thing about the U.S. so-called health care system. The rest of the bureaucrapy (not a typo) suxxx.

  5. The California legislature is about to witness a massive wake-up slap as MILLIONS of defiant patriots refuse to comply with any weapon deemed banned by such future legislation.

  6. TSUNAMI, I hope you are right, but I don’t think so. I think your average California Gun Owning Zombie will just turn them all in. I’m hearing no resistance. Tell me you are hearing something different.

  7. Tsunami, me too. Unfortunately that will do us zero good. What’s the use of having a gun if you can’t use it. And like we discussed the other day, the I’ll shall not engorce LEO’s sound really cool until we’re shooting it out with some agency. Who’s side are they on then? This is not good.

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