Avenatti Is Reconsidering Jumping Into Democratic Primary – IOTW Report

Avenatti Is Reconsidering Jumping Into Democratic Primary


It was thought Avenatti discarded any presidential ambitions after he was indicted for extortion. But the showboat attorney is reconsidering.

Showboat attorney and former cable news regular Michael Avenatti is considering entering the Democratic primary for President of the United States, after earlier announcing he wouldn’t be a candidate in the 2020 election.

The lawyer formerly known for fiery segments as a guest on MSNBC appears to have reconsidered, stating in a text message to the Washington Examiner that he plans on making a decision on a campaign by the fall.

Avenatti will presumably face an uphill battle to convince Democratic voters that he’s worthy of their presidential nomination, considering he’s currently facing federal criminal charges related to an alleged extortion of Nike. The California lawyer could face life in prison if he’s found guilty on the charges, complicating the prospect of his Presidential campaign. more here

15 Comments on Avenatti Is Reconsidering Jumping Into Democratic Primary

  1. This is absolutely brilliant! Once he’s elected, the Creepy Porn Lawyer can pardon himself and free Jeffrey Epstein from his incarceration and start flying on the Lolita Express to Orgy Island with Billy Clinton. Avenatti makes more sense than most of the other Leftist Lunatics that are chewing up the Constitution theses days, but that’s not saying much.

  2. Bring him on. Nothing wrong with adding one more scumbag to the covey.
    We know that Connor Betts will be voting demorat in the next election but I wonder if Crazy Bernie Panders will approve of Patrick Crusius voting?
    Betts is dead, so his vote is certain. But Crusius may be in prison for the next 60 years or so, and may be able to vote. Just askin.’

  3. And there are just enough morons out there who will send him campaign money — which he gets to keep if he isn’t nominated by the party. What a racket!

    I wish I had name recog, I’d run for public office! What the heck am I saying?! There should be enough lame brains out there who would give money to AbigailAdams’ campaign!! What’s not to adore about this long-suffering, woman-behind-the-powerful-old-white-man?

    “AbigailAdams for President! More Alive Than You Think!”


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