Average Gas Prices Hit $4 Per Gallon For First Time In Over Decade, Approach Record High – IOTW Report

Average Gas Prices Hit $4 Per Gallon For First Time In Over Decade, Approach Record High

Daily Wire:

The national average price for gas has jumped to $4 per gallon for the first time since 2008 as prices continue to worsen during Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration.

“As of Sunday afternoon, the national average of a regular gallon of gas was $4.009, according to AAA,” USA Today reported. “That’s up 8 cents from Saturday and up 40 cents from last week. The U.S. hit the $4 national average a day earlier than analysts expected.”

Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at fuel-savings app GasBuddy, said in a tweet on Sunday that gas prices were approaching an all-time high.

“We are currently at a 7 day rise in #gasprices of 43.7c/gal,” he tweeted. “If we surpass 49.0c/gal ago, we will be at the highest ever 7 day rise in average price.” more

25 Comments on Average Gas Prices Hit $4 Per Gallon For First Time In Over Decade, Approach Record High

  1. I think poor people are starting to reconsider the green rotten new deal. Aren’t Libtards suppose to be all about helping the poors peeps? Or maybe just controlling them. How far away are the mid terms? Brilliant timing assholes. Is the Dem party trying to commit suicide? Gawd I hope so.

  2. This is news, it it is not unexpected. We now are a net consumer rather than a net reporter. For jackass anon, that means we import more than we export.

    Would the prices have spiked with the Russian invasion? I believe yes.could President DJT have done anything to limit the spike? Maybe, maybe not. If Russia had invaded under his watch, the price would have gone up.

    As a net exporter under President DJT, I believe the increase would have been less, but it still would have increased. As a net importer under pResident Biden, I believe the effect has been increased

  3. Canada – Full of Oil
    USA – Full of Oil
    Venezuela – Full of Oil & Shit
    North Passage – Full of Oil

    Democrats Liberals & Euro Socialists – Full of Shit!

  4. Increase gas prices. Push renewable energy sources. Politicians give millions to startup solar and wind companies run by their friends. These companies make huge donations and kickbacks to those politicians. Then these companies file bankruptcy and pocket millions. Rinse and repeat. Remember Solyndra?

  5. I like the fucknuckles who say paying more for gas hurts Putin.

    WE BUY OUR FUEL FROM PUTIN. Giving him MORE money will not have the desired results.

    But go on, and be your best you that you can be.

  6. Brad
    “all about helping the poors peeps”
    Only interested in making more poor peeps.
    Hungary sheep are easier to control.

    Now their going to channel money to their good friends that helped steal the election. Iran & Venezuela.

  7. I pulled a muskle so I’m eating light while I wait to heal up so’s I can continue my poor mans workout.

    I was ….not happy……but O.K. I guess, with a bowl of rice until I read your baby back rib post.

    Dude. Not cool to salivate after 10 pm.

  8. $4.25 on my way to church this morning. I nearly had to repent for the cussing in my head. Wait. I did repent. But not for the prayer I ended it with. You know that scripture in Romans; the one about a reprobate mind.

    Here it is: Romans 1:28 “Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.”

    Ok, reprobate is from the KJV. But it’s the same. I prayed that, if God knew who was beyond hope of turning to him (he knows), that he would take them off Earth. I’ll let you figure out what I meant. I didn’t have to repent for that because I told him that it’s up to him. You know, his will and stuff. He knows best what his plan is.

    Just wish he would give us a hint.

    Anyway. Won’t be taking any frivolous trips now.

  9. Yes, fuel is more expensive. Some of Columbia’s intent. But, if Columbia didn’t intend to “give a helping hand” out to… benefactors… would the price be stable?

    Are “farmers” transferring square miles of arable land to Bill Gates, because they share his dream of the future? Are people accepting lower offers from BlackRock “investors” for housing, because they share a dream of the future? Or are Columbia’s “benefactors” finishing off a bustout of America? With fake “money”, created for their “benefactors” to outbid Americans?

    Fake “money” has to go somewhere. Who gets left with the past buck?

  10. $.27 here in Maine.
    It’s never been this high here.
    That means heating oil will be about the same.
    So now instead of $350 to fill our oil tank, (heat and hot water) it will be around $800++

    Milk is near $5 gal here now.
    FJB and his puppet masters


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