Average IQ of College Students Has Dropped 17 Points Since 1939 – IOTW Report

Average IQ of College Students Has Dropped 17 Points Since 1939

“The recent findings also reflect the notion that being accepted to college today no longer requires the intelligence that it used to.”

22 Comments on Average IQ of College Students Has Dropped 17 Points Since 1939

  1. How much of that is due to the shifting demographic from DEI type initiatives and how much is from other nefarious things like chemicals in the food, water and air?

  2. Home Schooling

    I’m reading Texas is accepting and asking for civilian volunteers. Armed civilian volunteers that first need to qualify with their weapons. If true, that is pretty wild.

  3. This result will lower the complexity of the IQ test questions next time around. This will raise the number back (or near) to where it was, which will make all of these dumbasses feel better about themselves, and justify their TDS, gender dysphoria, poor math skills, love for Obama, general hatred of conservatives et al, etc. etc.. I suggest taking screen shots today of online IQ tests and then compare them to the near future tests.

  4. Compare the headline with the quote from the article:

    “Average IQ of College Students Has Dropped 17 Points Since 1939”

    “The recent findings also reflect the notion that being accepted to college today no longer requires the intelligence that it used to.”

    Well, DUH!

  5. I went to the same high school as my mother. We had the same math teacher. When she was there Latin was taught 2 years and French the last two where they were mandatory classes. Chemistry and Physics were also taught and were mandatory. When I went through the school French had been trimmed to one year and it was optional. Latin and Physics were no longer available and Chemistry was an optional class. Forty-five years later the classes are being taught at the level of the lowest student. When I went through it was taught slightly higher than the average student. When my mother wet through it was taught at the level of the top 10% of students.

  6. One of many, many bad results of JFK’s DEI ; for those 90 A, >80 B. College Amin Said ” you can’t do that! it would not be “inclusive”! JFK will take away our $ welfare! Martinellie said if I give these guys “D” that all those with “D” TOBE FAIR GET “C”, “C’ GET “B” ….
    He flunked them.
    NAACP sent JFK a protest. a month late Bobby sent college a warning letter, ” Do this agian and I will take 5,000.000 cartons of cigarttes away! – Math is hard. if I used the 1963 $ most would say NBD. But If you go to Walmart and price carton of Camel (my brand) its clear t was a very big deal!
    College solved the problem baby “promoting” conervativeto Assoc Dean of Business. NO longer teaching!

    JFK drove Ronny out of “the party” in 1960; took me a little longer to get it Ronny was a very smart man!

  7. my point; which on second thought, is not clear is

  8. When I took the State Professional Engineering Licensing Exam it was an eight hour test. Four in the morning and four in the afternoon. I completed the morning part in two and a half hours and the afternoon part in three. I didn’t have to wait a couple months to get the results, I worked the problems backwards to the questions and graded my own test before checking out. I think the pass rate was south of 70% of those who took it and a passing score was something like 85%.

    The test has been dumbed down to protect the guilty. Trust me, the Boeing model is what is used to qualify people who have no business anywhere near a scientific calculator. It’s a Goddamn disgrace.

  9. @TSquared

    I hear you. My dad had to leave school after the 10th grade to bring in income for his family during the Depression. But before he left school he had to take classes in Latin. It always amazed me when he mentioned it.

    I would like to learn it myself, old coot that I am. Maybe I’ll have time before my personal Ides of March comes up.

    Latin is not a dead language. it lives on in modern Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian, the latter being pretty obvious considering the name of the country.


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