Aw. We missed Hunter’s B-day – IOTW Report

Aw. We missed Hunter’s B-day

Go ahead, wish him something nice. lol

It was on February 4th. Thanks for the reminder, Garrett!

13 Comments on Aw. We missed Hunter’s B-day

  1. Hunter needs to make like a horse turd and hit the road literally. And followed by the street sweeper to clean up all the stinky mess he left behind him and his equally guilty enabling crooked father. If he was anything but a privileged protected democrap’s spawn he would’ve been in the hoosegow long ago for his criminal activities.

  2. @jeoff ~ “Hunter needs to make like a horse turd … ”

    no, he’s ALREADY a horse turd … & frankly, that’s being kind

    he’s the product of American Royalty. absolutely stupid, vapid, nasty American Royalty. Royalty, more than not, produce even more spoiled, entitled, even nastier & even stupider offspring …. it’s like, history … & stuff


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