Awan Asks Judge To Remove GPS, Citing Possible Emergency With Kids In Pakistan – IOTW Report

Awan Asks Judge To Remove GPS, Citing Possible Emergency With Kids In Pakistan


DC: A former House of Representatives IT aide was arraigned in federal court Friday on four felony fraud charges, appearing with three attorneys including Chris Gowen, a former close aide to Hillary and Bill Clinton.

Gowen asked that Imran Awan’s GPS monitoring bracelet be removed, citing that Imran might need to attend to an emergency with his children. In a press conference outside court, Gowen admitted that the children are in Pakistan and refused to explain the discrepancy.

“His ability to parent, which may well be single parenting, if there is an emergency…” Gowen said.  more

30 Comments on Awan Asks Judge To Remove GPS, Citing Possible Emergency With Kids In Pakistan

  1. No problem. We’ll just inject couple of ounces of plutonium into your skull. You may glow in the dark but that pesky bracelet won’t be messing up your pant cuffs anymore.

  2. Fine! No prob!
    LOCK HIM UP and remove the GPS….
    OTHERWISE, as others mentioned earlier,
    this is a setup for another
    Clinton “3 bullets to the back of the head” suicide.

  3. How about they bring the sick kid here with all his family? Oh, that’s right, they’re all criminals who fled the US.

    The only way you’re flying back to Pockistahn is in a pine box, Imran.

  4. His kids are fine. They are performing in a Bacha Bazzi class play as we speak for the child raping/homosexual denying/goat fucking imams and tribal leaders in Pakratistan.

  5. “His ability to parent, which may well be single parenting…”

    Because his crook wife Hina Alvi will be killed by the ISI.

    I wouldn’t be in such a heated rush to go back, Imran. You’ll live a little longer here.

  6. Take it off.
    Build a cage in a tiger exhibit, chain his leg to a post and let the tigers prowl around his cage, pissing on him.
    Make Debbie feed him by tossing his food on top of his cage. An hour before feeding the the tigers.

  7. 🔔 Illogical / Irrational Thinking 🔔

    “She said it’s ABSURD TO CONCLUDE he was trying to flee the country,” the Sun-Sentinel of Wasserman Schultz.

    Just because he was at the airport trying to flee the country, doesn’t mean he was trying to flee the country!

    “They were being PERSECUTED, their children were BULLIED at school. They were experiencing the things I was concerned about in terms of RACIAL, ETHNIC and RELIGIOUS profiling she brought her family to Pakistan,” Wasserman Schultz said.

    Ok, so they were fleeing the public schools then? I wonder if the school district has a comment about these slanderous claims. Wow. it’s like flipping the story so that the criminals are the victims.

    That tears it! No more muslims should enter this racist bigoted country. We need to protect them from US, b/c according to democrats, they suffer unnecessarily.

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