Awkward Video of Jill Biden in Paris Raises Questions of Why She’s Even There – IOTW Report

Awkward Video of Jill Biden in Paris Raises Questions of Why She’s Even There

She’s in Paris for some reason.

31 Comments on Awkward Video of Jill Biden in Paris Raises Questions of Why She’s Even There

  1. She went to Paris looking for answers
    To questions that bothered her so
    She was unimpressive, old and oppressive
    Saving the world on her own
    But the warm summer breezes
    The French wines and cheeses
    couldn’t Put her ambition at bay
    Summers and winters scattered like splinters
    And four or five years slipped away

    Well, Her Husbands a baby, She’s very shady
    And left her with only one lie
    Her royalty was battered, her world was shattered
    And all he could do was just cry

  2. Lady Macbeth “Dr” Jill can’t step away from the limelight. Her narcissistic personality drives her to seek attention.
    She’s seen as an obnoxious, nuisance that has to be tolerated by heads of state for diplomatic purposes. Otherwise, they would ignore her foolishness.

  3. Hunter probably isn’t allowed to travel abroad with his upcoming tax evasion trial and those bribes from Iran, China and Ukraine aren’t going to lauder themselves through international monetary system.

    A grifters work is never done, I tell ya.

  4. Getting what she can while she can. The hedonistic desires of the political class has no bounds (as long as someone else is paying). Low class, no class arrogant and wannabe โ€œQueenโ€. People like this are blind to the fact that they evoke nothing but disgust in others.

  5. Brad – add a little more clarity to his moniker –
    Crack, Crack, rehab boi, crack, crack extortion boi, crack, crack money laundering boi, crack, crack porno boi, crack, crack child molester boi, crack, crack my father’s Joe Biden boi…

  6. The stupid whore wants attention. In her small mind, she’s dreaming about running for high office. Another stupid whore thinking the same is Megan Markle.

  7. Let’s be crystal clear about any “political” ambitions either Michelle or Jill may have. I thought it was already pretty clear with Hillary. None of these women would ever seek office in order to represent anyone except their own families’ interests $$.

    When the bank robber was asked why he robbed banks, he replied, “Because that’s where the money is.”

    The reason most pols — for the past 60+ years — have run for office is because we dumb American tax mules provide way too much incentive. It’s easy, quick, and steadily paid out for too many things that are never audited.


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