awwwwww – IOTW Report

19 Comments on awwwwww

  1. If it’s any consolation they can always burn a flag in his absence.

    I think he would have wanted it that way. Maybe point and laugh at some limbless veterans.

    When did Portland or Eugene, Oregon invade Idaho?

  2. Go ahead and give him a parade – But set up the parade as a gauntlet like back in the open barracks days – hand everyone a pillowcase with a bar of soap in it and give BirdDog a good shove down the street.

  3. The reason for cancelling?…“will be unable to safely manage the number of people expected.”

    Why can’t people just speak straight. He is a dirt bag traitor and should be brought up on charges (maybe shot).

  4. They were afraid American citizens would show up with their guns and ammo and use the parade for target practice. He’s more of a prisoner in America now than he was being held by the Afgannies. I’d change my name and relocate.

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