Axios Reporter: Biden Crew Did Some Grade-A Gaslighting Over Infrastructure Bill – IOTW Report

Axios Reporter: Biden Crew Did Some Grade-A Gaslighting Over Infrastructure Bill

Townhall: When it comes to infrastructure, Joe Biden did things that are simply indefensible this weekend. A deal was reached but then thrown into chaos with a veto threat from Biden.  Over the weekend, the White House worked furiously to right the ship, but not after Axios reporter Jonathan Swan said this was some classic gaslighting shenanigans. He also said expect some more tweak to occur before it’s signed into law—typical (via Fox News):

President Biden’s complicated infrastructure plan has only led the American public away from reality, Axios national political correspondent Jonathan Swan suggested on “Fox News Sunday.”

The White House underwent legislative “scrambling” in clarifying that the $953 billion bipartisan bill would not be signed unless a larger Democratic spending package was passed, just for the president to take it all back in a statement on Saturday.

“Scrambling was about 11 out of 10 and, actually, gaslighting was initially at least 11 or 12 out of 10,” Swan said.

8 Comments on Axios Reporter: Biden Crew Did Some Grade-A Gaslighting Over Infrastructure Bill

  1. Gaslighting?
    Jackass Joe thinks you need to bend over with a Zippo to do that!

    Seriously tho, how is this any different than anything else democRATs are tryig to shove down our throats???

  2. The only time I believe these bastards is when they threaten to spy, arrest and do violence to those who oppose them.

    It is a dark time in our history and the media is working over time to hide the truth.

  3. See, we’ve adopted the term “gaslighting” when the term used historically for it is “lying”.

    They keep chipping away…

    Quit using the term leftists, progressives, democrats and start calling them what they are. They are Communists and they need to be forced to either embrace the label or denounce it. They have labeled all of us and turnabout is fair play. If you’re not a communist, tell us why you’re not and back it up with actions. If you’re a politician, and you vote communist, you’re a communist. Very simple.

    If you look like a duck, walk like a duck and quack like a duck, you’re a duck and you should have no problem being labeled as such.

  4. oh, they’re just ‘pulling your leg.’
    and they’ll keep doing until they’re told to stop

    its just another bucket of shit. Sometimes they put a daisy in it.

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