Aye Aye Uh Um Cap’n! – IOTW Report

Aye Aye Uh Um Cap’n!

12 Comments on Aye Aye Uh Um Cap’n!

  1. At least with his “ums” and “uhs,” his handlers don’t have to walk anything back.

    Just what is this “growth” he talks about? Are we back to measuring unemployment by how many people are trying to find work as opposed to how many people could and should be working but including many who gave up?

  2. Remember when Quid-Pro-Quo Joe Blow Captain Numbnutz Bumblefuk bragged about doing wheelies on his unicycle and having an IQ so high he could divide by zero? The Left spent four years telling us how dumb Donald Trump was while this Asshole wuz diddled by the dangling dong of dysfunction right from the get-go!!


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