AZ: $7.5 Million in Arizona Border Funding Secured by Rep. Ruben Gallego Destined for Nonprofit Aiding Illegals Adjust to America – IOTW Report

AZ: $7.5 Million in Arizona Border Funding Secured by Rep. Ruben Gallego Destined for Nonprofit Aiding Illegals Adjust to America

AZ Sun Times:
More than $7.5 million of the border community funding announced by Representative Ruben Gallego (D-AZ-03) last month will be given to a nonprofit that reportedly helps illegal immigrants transition to life in the United States while waiting for their asylum cases to be adjudicated in a process that can take up to seven years.

The funding is part of the $47.3 million in funding Gallego announced on August 28 that he secured for Arizona under the Department of Homeland Security’s Shelter and Services Program (SSP).

According to Gallego’s office, about $38 million of the funding will go to the State of Arizona and Pima County, but a press release reveals $7.5 million is set to be distributed to the Regional Center for Border Health, Inc., which ABC 15 Arizona reported in March has created a “transition center for migrants.” more

7 Comments on AZ: $7.5 Million in Arizona Border Funding Secured by Rep. Ruben Gallego Destined for Nonprofit Aiding Illegals Adjust to America

  1. Big Non-profit is our enemy!!!!!
    They are the henchmen for the likes of the Gates Foundation, Tides Foundation, etc.
    I briefly worked for a large non-profit. I processed several 6 figure checks, grants, from all kinds of lefty loony foundations. Then, the focus of the board would be on ESG, DEI crap. We even had a Lunch and Learn about ESG & how great it was.
    I now volunteer at a very small, local non-profit. It is a daily struggle to meet the challenges. There are no million dollar checks pouring in. There are, however, good people trying to make a small difference through volunteering.
    It makes me sick to know that a million dollars from the Gates Foundation is there to just grease the wheels of loony leftists.
    I would love to see big non-profit come under scrutiny.


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