AZ Lawmaker Responds to AG Garland: “You Will Not Touch Arizona Ballots or Machines Unless You Want to Spend Time in Arizona Prison” – IOTW Report

AZ Lawmaker Responds to AG Garland: “You Will Not Touch Arizona Ballots or Machines Unless You Want to Spend Time in Arizona Prison”

Gateway Pundit: Earlier on Friday, the Biden Department of Justice warned state lawmakers that if they proceeded to audit fraudulent elections they will be targeted by the Biden administration.
The US Constitution specifically gives the power to the states to regulate federal elections as they see fit.
You would think the Attorney General of the United States would know this.

Following the threats by the Biden regime, former fighter pilot and Arizona state Senator Wendy Rogers warned Merrick Garland to stay in his lane. more here

44 Comments on AZ Lawmaker Responds to AG Garland: “You Will Not Touch Arizona Ballots or Machines Unless You Want to Spend Time in Arizona Prison”

  1. “They are debating the anger of 72 million voters vs. the potential decertification of multiple states. ”

    …President Trump got more than 80 million votes, many were simply moved into the Biden pile.

    So add about 10 million more angry voters to the mix.

    Then decide what country you need to flee to in order to avoid the penalty for treason you’ve so justly earned, or contemplate if you want to wear Depends to your hanging so folks don’t get to see your corpse soil itself as one final lie…

  2. The US Constitution specifically gives the power to the states to regulate federal elections as they see fit. You would think the Attorney General of the United States would know this.

    I believe he does know this. It’s just that he doesn’t give a rat’s ass.

  3. Kudos to Senator Wendy Rogers and Arizona !!
    Your sights were right on Target !!!

    I know the wheels in the Legislatures move slowly, but why aren’t more states validating their election results?

  4. Funny how Barky’s self-described “wingman” AG Holder was held in contempt of Congress, and Biden’s AG Garland has people detained indefinitely for misdemeanors and wants the bigfoot States’ Rights regarding elections, but “Trump’s personal lawyer” Bagpipes Barr is right being hauled before Congress so they can grandstand over the “atrocities” he committed while AG.

    It’s almost as if the Democrats want to draw attention away from what a fascist POS Garland is by re-litigating nothingburgers and repeating worn out disproven lies about LafayettecPark.

    Cocaine Mitch did at leadt one thing right by shutting down this prick Garland’s SC nomination. Here’s hoping that was as permanent as Hillary’s exile is. Garland has proven himself tobe a dangerous power-monger, unfit for any government office. He should be in jail for the 1/6 roundup alone.

  5. But if (as I’ve read) the governor already said he would not call out the NG over this, how would she enforce it? Does she have authority to deploy the state police?

  6. “…women are to blame for the pussification of the world”

    Really? Funny that the defense ministers in eastern European countries seem to be immune. Same in Red China and Taiwan. And most of east Asia. Wonder why? yathink because the men there aren’t putting up with any feminist bullshit?

    It’s not the women, it’s men that have allowed it.

    Last election was a perfect time for some brass balls to step the fuck up. Instead my Rep in AR, from a solid red district as well as the scum Tom Cotten, knowing full well there was massive fraud, refused to contest it.

    Just because Boebert, Greene and Loomer(all women) were the only ones to “man” up(Matt Goetz as well), don’t lay that on women for the lack of leadership.

    Greene takes it to the streets and Captain Obvious(Jim Jordan tweets)

  7. Martha JUNE 12, 2021 AT 9:39 AM

    Larry the Liberal’s retarded sister spreading lies trying to be a modern day Tokyo Rose when it’s she that is running scared.

  8. “They are debating the anger of 72 million voters vs. the potential decertification of multiple states. ”

    This statement presumes that they actually fear some sort of repercussion from the people. They do not. Because, like I said about 100 friggin times they cover up their crimes under the shield of national security. The are literally above the law.

  9. Relax, Martha. I’m going to make sure the proof never sees the light of day. Not that there is any proof, of course. And I may have to trample a few of your rights and freedoms to do it. But you sound like a good soldier and a true believer in The Cause, so I’m sure you’ll understand and make sure that others also understand. Forward!

  10. Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun (said some dead dude) – not from words printed on paper.
    If men aren’t willing to defend the Constitution, to honor their oaths of Office, to even pretend to some semblance of integrity, then we have no country – no nation – only a gaggle of competing kleptocrats.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. @ Martha JUNE 12, 2021 AT 9:39 AM

    I am amazed at your talent Martha!

    I have to look at the keys and the screen when I type anything. You seem to be able to do it with your entire head up your ass!

    I would call you the c-word, but I’m sure you are a 30ish soyboy in your single mom’s basement wishing you would have actually been able to grow into a man without watching your whore of a mother get run by random guys every Friday and Saturday night.

    I wish I could feel bad for you, but you are old enough to make your own decisions, and you are choosing poorly.

    Sorry, you still fit the bill, CUNT!

  12. I remove the posts. No libtards allowed.
    When they allow Conservatives to speak freely on lefty sites, I’ll let them speak here. IF they actually have a conversation and not just come in to copy/paste and change names. That’s spam. Not tolerated.

  13. “Martha” is a one-trick nag. Only shows up when its controlla virus or election fraud posts. Whoever’s paying for “Martha’s” efforts is getting robbed. And “Martha” is obviously not using the.75cents per post to buy his needed medication.

  14. The people behind the election fraud are running out of excuses and audit stops. So they asked DOJ to help secure the fraud. Wendy Rogers better stay a few steps ahead of the DOJ and get the national guard and the state police in place to keep the unAmerican DOJ out of a illegal intervention in the state audit.

  15. This is Junta America, with a fake president and fake vice president. Garland is a psycho fascist, and his #2 is a blm psycho. This could be the first shot of the civil war. About time.

  16. If Garland does interfere, he will be added to the list of idiots who will be charged with Treason for interfering with a federal election.
    The left doesn’t seem to be aware that every little detail of the election has been captured in real time by Space Force. Nothing will change the truth. The fools have stepped into a sting.

  17. Hello…. Federalist system. The states are the parent D.C is the child. The states posses the sovereign power to abolish D.C, or create a new D.C through convention.

    There are few, but important reason why we even have a central government.

    The states cannot practicably conduct foreign policy. It would be chaos.

    We are a voluntary union of confederate states, and cannot practicably maintain a level playing field individually for states while maintaining equal justice under the rule of law as nation without a central government.

    National security. States cannot practicably maintain national security. The answer is obvious.

  18. @cato

    I’ve only been able to get one state Senator to even listen to me about our state. The rest tell me our state has secure elections and there was nothing wrong and Republican, including Trump all won.

    I do believe they didn’t screw with the general election or couldn’t screw with it enough in all districts to change the outcome, however like I’ve tried to tell all of them in this state it would be the establishment Republicans cheating in the primaries.

    So when only one agrees we need to look at our elections because we do use the same system that all 3 are based on, the rest wants to just say our state is fine.

    There is a guy running for U.S. Senator against establishment Lankford that wants to do it, but it’s more than likely although I haven’t found one person who wants Lankford elected again, he will win the primary election.

  19. US Constitution?
    They don’t think they need to follow no stinkin’ Constitution.
    They’re the elite. They’re smahtah than us unwashed deplorable masses.
    If that wuss Garland interferes I think there will be huge protests and politicians had better choose to be on the side of 75 million voters who would just as soon kick them to the curb.

  20. If MJA doesn’t have a hero cape, we need to get her one.

    We need a day of cape idea submissions for our admins.

    The only question is: Individually designed capes or an IOTWr cape in general?

    I’m thinking one cape for all works better. Recognizable.

    Are you worthy of THE cape? Kind of like the Green Lantern and Thor’s Hammer.

    Looking forward to pics of them in the capes. Pixilated faces, of course. Who needs to pose? We have artists here, dammit.

  21. “Targeting” is very apropos when dealing with Democrats. They are very good at weaponizing the government to subdue the commoners. Always have, always will.

  22. Redcat 66 JUNE 12, 2021 AT 9:07 PM

    “Targeting” is very apropos when dealing with Democrats. They are very good at weaponizing the government to subdue the commoners. Always have, always will.inflict

    There’s always a sinister lean to the effects Dems inflict.


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