AZ: Maricopa County judge finds GOP Senate subpoenas of election materials are ‘legal and enforceable’ – IOTW Report

AZ: Maricopa County judge finds GOP Senate subpoenas of election materials are ‘legal and enforceable’

WaEx: The Superior Court of Maricopa County, Arizona, found that the state’s Senate Republicans’ subpoenas of election materials and equipment are “legal and enforceable.”

“The Court finds that Subpoenas are legal and enforceable. There is no question that the Senators have the power to issue legislative subpoenas,” Judge Timothy Thomason said Friday in a readout following a Thursday hearing on the issue.

“The Subpoenas comply with the statutory requirements for legislative subpoenas. The Senate also has broad constitutional power to oversee elections,” the court’s conclusion added.

The GOP-backed county board requested Thomason to nullify the subpoena issued by the Senate. They argued that the ballots are sealed under laws the Legislature passed and the Senate does not have a right to access them, claiming it would be illegal. Read more

9 Comments on AZ: Maricopa County judge finds GOP Senate subpoenas of election materials are ‘legal and enforceable’

  1. Well let’s get this shit goin’ if we’re gonna have us a hangin’ of some crooked politicians, I don’t want to do it in the middle of summer when it’s hotter than hell…they won’t know they even left Phoenix by then.

  2. It’s clear the Constitution doesn’t adequately address election security, we need an amendment to spell out in detail how elections must be done in order to count.

    It’d be hard to get the supermajority needed ( vote is by states , like the electoral college), but at least it would get on record which states prefer election fraud – so that the rest could exclude them.

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