AZ: Martha McSally Concedes – IOTW Report

AZ: Martha McSally Concedes

Townhall: Well, this is not a great shock. I don’t think there was ever a poll where McSally was leading. At any rate, McSally, who was appointed to fill the vacancy left by the late Sen. John McCain, appears to have been defeated by Mark Kelly, husband of former Rep. Gabby Giffords. more

18 Comments on AZ: Martha McSally Concedes

  1. She was a poor candidate. We don’t have any good ones on tap. Dr. Kelly Ward has good ideas, but has said a few kooky things. I fear enough Cali voters have moved here with their stupid voting habits to turn the state blue.

  2. On a brighter note, the incumbent mayor of Flagstaff (Commie leftard soros favorite) got her ass waxed despite having a $717,000 campaign fund, most of it from out of state. Berkely, San Fran, New York, etc…

  3. How in the hell does a gun grabber get elected in the wild west state of Arizona? The home of Old Tucson, Tombstone, and Bisbee to name a few.

    If my Mom and Dad were alive today they just wouldn’t believe it.

  4. I once went to a wedding renup in Douglas,AZ.
    at the ranch of a man named Frank Adams. This
    was 23 years ago! He told us illegals crossed
    his ranch on a regular basis.He told me he gave
    them 3 gallons of water and a bag of balongna
    sandwiches and pointed them away from his ranch.
    It was cheaper than slaughtered cattle and destroyed
    water lines…..

  5. This woman was a horrible candidate. Selfish Dipshit Ducey thought he’d further his political by sucking up to McConnell by appointing her. He could have picked a rock-rib conservative like Dr. Zuhdi Jasser who would have eaten Kelly’s lunch. McSally has all the charm and people skills of a honey badger. It didn’t work against Sinema, who was a bit centrist and now she loses to a leftist, China-loving jackass.

    How’d that work out for you McConnell and Ducey?

  6. Heard Mr Newt tonight say Az Sec of State Katie Hobbs issued some type official order that during a vote recount or audit, it will be prohibited to attempt to track down who cast the illegal vote. And the Az Governor signed it.

    But Newt pointed out the Constitution doesn’t grant that authority to the Governor or the Sec of State. The authority of how vote recounts are to be conducted is granted to the state legislature and the Az. legislature should do its job.

  7. It’s hard to believe AZ elected the shitheads they’ve been electing.

    As we’re finding out: they got elected via voter fraud, while the GOP either slept of was in on it. Can you say ‘mccain’?

  8. I live in AZ. That little skinhead tries to grab my guns, he’s going to be in for a big surprise. Those of us in the rural areas will NEVER go blue, and NEVER give up our last line of defense.

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