AZ: Pima County Supervisor Inadvertently Shares Shot Of Scantily Dressed Man During Board Meeting – IOTW Report

AZ: Pima County Supervisor Inadvertently Shares Shot Of Scantily Dressed Man During Board Meeting

At Tuesday’s Pima County Board of Supervisor’s meeting, online attendees were treated to a bit of a skin flick when a man bared himself while Supervisor Matt Heinz was zooming into the meeting. Heinz quickly shut the camera off when he saw the man appear behind him on his computer.

According to various sources, Heinz has appeared almost exclusively at Board meetings via Zoom, citing fear of Covid exposure. The same sources say that he has made other appearances via Zoom while on cruise ships.

In the video, which appears to be shot from either a hospital room or cruise ship cabin, Heinz is listening intently to a discussion of the highly questionable election process employed by Pima County, when a man wearing a speedo-type under garment and tank top emerges from out-of-screen behind him, pulls up his tank top and exposes a well-conditioned and seemingly young body to the viewing public. A startled Heinz then quickly turns off his computer’s camera function. MORE

20 Comments on AZ: Pima County Supervisor Inadvertently Shares Shot Of Scantily Dressed Man During Board Meeting

  1. Mrs radiomattm

    I think faggots are the lefts ultimate guilt trip. “Bwaaaaah, I should take it up the poop shoot too.” Just look at teachers unions. The practice with plastic shit during the week ends.
    The Fag platform, “I beleive all white people are the devil and should be killed. Except fags. Oh, by the way, I’m a fag”. Libtards are like I’m voting for that guy.
    47.8 percent of our population is certifiable.

  2. Mrs radiomattm
    JANUARY 11, 2023 AT 10:11 PM
    “Why do all faggots run for political office?” An even better question would be: “Why do they all win?””

    Hmmm, a real head-scratcher, that one! Why DO they “win”?

    Just lucky, I guess. We may never really know!


  3. This was completely intentional.
    The working world has been doing Zoom for 2+ years, at least. There is no way that person inadvertently walked into the frame.
    Maybe gay lover boy was feeling ignored and unappreciated.


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