AZ Project Veritas Video— Sen Candidate Sinema “can’t be talking about” Gun Bans; Says Arizonans Will “actually shoot you” – IOTW Report

AZ Project Veritas Video— Sen Candidate Sinema “can’t be talking about” Gun Bans; Says Arizonans Will “actually shoot you”

7 Comments on AZ Project Veritas Video— Sen Candidate Sinema “can’t be talking about” Gun Bans; Says Arizonans Will “actually shoot you”

  1. I thought Sinema would be dead meat in the polls by now. They must be really phonying up the polls to make her look viable. Good thing Project Veritas is still hammering her until the very end. Come on, Arizona…what the heck is it with you and your Senators?

  2. Somebody let the gang bangers and such know that more gun control laws mean if they get caught, there goes their welfare benefits. And their families’ bennies, too.
    See how well that works.


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