AZ State Senator Borrelli Orders County Supervisors to Comply With SCR1037 Which Bans Foreign Voting Machines in Arizona – IOTW Report

AZ State Senator Borrelli Orders County Supervisors to Comply With SCR1037 Which Bans Foreign Voting Machines in Arizona


Arizona State Senator Sonny Borrelli put Arizona County Supervisors on notice this morning with a notice to stop using foreign machines in their elections.

Article 1 Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution gives State Legislatures the power to “regulate the ‘Times, Places and Manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives.’”

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, The Arizona House and Senate passed Senate Concurrent Resolution 1037, setting official requirements for the use of electronic voting machines in the state and banning the use of those that use foreign components. more

6 Comments on AZ State Senator Borrelli Orders County Supervisors to Comply With SCR1037 Which Bans Foreign Voting Machines in Arizona

  1. Better be sure the code can’t be downloaded like an update is so it could be one thing just before an election and then changed on the fly after the election. Log records should be available. I’d like to see no USB ports, And names of all code writers with sworn statements with CRC numbers on the final code in each machine.

  2. A direct attack on GWB!
    GWB’s team DOMINION are Canucks not American!
    Expect Ronny hater Thune *to ask GWB’s AG M. Harland to “investigate”!

    *. A far left GOP from Dakota. On the Soros Bush team from day 1!

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