AZ State senator requests investigation into Tucson over employee vaccine mandate – IOTW Report

AZ State senator requests investigation into Tucson over employee vaccine mandate

TUCSON, Ariz. (KOLD News 13) – State Sen. Kelly Townsend has asked Arizona’s Attorney General to investigate Tucson’s recent vaccine mandate for city employees.

Townsend called the mandate a “clear violation,” of Gov. Doug Ducey’s order, issued Monday, Aug. 16, intended to bar counties, cities and towns from imposing vaccine mandates.

“The order says a city that implements a vaccine mandate faces a class 3 misdemeanor and is subject to legal action,” Townsend was quoted as saying in a news release. MORE

5 Comments on AZ State senator requests investigation into Tucson over employee vaccine mandate

  1. “The order says a city that implements a vaccine mandate faces a class 3 misdemeanor and is subject to legal action,”

    …since it violates the Nuremberg Codes it SHOULD be regarded as a Crime Against Humanity with death penalty specifications.

  2. Anyone pushing and demanding the vaccine is violating the Nuremberg Codes and needs a few months in prison. Didn’t the nazi SOB’s do enough damage and pain, or has that been forgotten about now??

  3. The people of Tucson never learn, keep electing Commies.
    What do they expect, a different result? 🤔

    They still want kid’s to mask muzzle 😷 and along with the local media are lying to the city of Tucson The Kung Fu Flu numbers too.

    Still have mental patients walking, biking, driving in their car’s with frickin face diapers on. 😡

  4. They should investigate the resident (oh they are sort of) today I read the resident has decided that nursing homes who don’t vaccinate all staff will not get medicare no mo’.
    That makes a lot of sense because the vaccinated can and do spread the virus and catch a bad case themselves.


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