AZ State Troopers Withdraw Endorsement for Pro-Gun Control Kyrsten Sinema – IOTW Report

AZ State Troopers Withdraw Endorsement for Pro-Gun Control Kyrsten Sinema

BP: The Arizona State Troopers Association (ASTA) withdrew their endorsement of pro-gun control Senate candidate Kyrsten Sinema (D) this week.

AZ Central reports that the ASTA endorsed Sinema in three previous elections, but polled association members after initially endorsing her this year then recanted their endorsement.

ASTA made no additional statements and stipulates that “AZTroopers will refrain from any political statements concerning the race until the conclusion of the election.”  more here

9 Comments on AZ State Troopers Withdraw Endorsement for Pro-Gun Control Kyrsten Sinema

  1. Well what do you know?

    Once again the democrats barrage of Wiley Coyote October surprises lacked a detonator.

    What surely was promised to be a Blue Wave of tsunami proportions ended up as a lonely drunk snoring in his bed aside his lubricant, tissue box and a dog eared girly mag.

    The well oiled Wellstone memorial is now a spooge onto which the slightly sobering democrat party will roll over onto in the early morning once it has reached room temperature, and the sad realization that they have merely been jerking off to another unfulfilled fantasy.

  2. MJA. Probably a police union default to embrace the democrat.

    It’s gotten more complicated when the democrats,who used to lavish government sector unions with dough, became anti law enforcement and embracers of organized cop killers.

    That’s a bit dodgy.


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