Azerbaijani forces strike Armenian-controlled Karabakh, raising risk of new Caucasus war – IOTW Report

Azerbaijani forces strike Armenian-controlled Karabakh, raising risk of new Caucasus war

BAKU, Sept 19 (Reuters) – Azerbaijan sent troops backed by artillery strikes into Armenian-controlled Nagorno-Karabakh on Tuesday in an attempt to bring the breakaway region to heel by force, raising the threat of a new war with its neighbour Armenia.

Karabakh, a mountainous area in the volatile wider South Caucasus region, is internationally recognised as Azerbaijani territory. But part of it is run by separatist Armenian authorities who say the area is their ancestral homeland.

Karabakh has been at the centre of two wars – the latest in 2020 – since the 1991 fall of the Soviet Union. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken called on Azerbaijan to halt its operation immediately, saying it was worsening an already dire humanitarian situation in Karabakh – a reference to a lengthy de facto blockade of the region by Baku.

The European Union, France and Germany also condemned Azerbaijan’s military action, calling on it to return to talks on the future of Karabakh with Armenia. more

10 Comments on Azerbaijani forces strike Armenian-controlled Karabakh, raising risk of new Caucasus war

  1. This raises a very serious and difficult question: what color bumper sticker do I need to declare my solidarity with… with… with… who are the good guys, again?

    Seriously, all I have to say is LEAVE ME THE HELL OUT OF IT!

  2. We are watching the disintegration of the west. The action is in the east for now, but those distances are ephemeral in the modern world.

    Senility describes the leadership in the west, both individuals suffering cognitive decline and a mindset that is deeply into its own navel and has been since the 1970s when the left began to take power globally. Different nations, different timelines, but the trend has been left, to the point of an enervated society wrung out with an obsession with genitalia and related orifices. The desperate gray tones of government and ‘elite’ society’s strangulation of human initiative, yea even spirit, have been deepening for decades and so the quality of those chosen to ‘lead’ us has followed into the dimness of that gray exhaustion.

  3. This will make some unhappy. But it has to be said. I am not saying the US should get involved in any war. Not even this. But I am saying the US should STOP its foreign aid and partnership with blood thirsty islamofacist regimes like blood thirsty Ilham Alievy’s Azerbaijan’s an Erdogan’s Turkey.
    Why are we giving them money? Azerbaijan is oil rich, why does it need my hard working taxpayer money? Same with Turkey which the brag how “strong” is their economy which is basically based on tourism, money for all those “unclean” westerner foreigner “dogs” as they call them there? Turkey is also a regional bully, often harasses Israel a key ally for us in the region. Threatened war with them. They also aided and abetted Azerbaijan over their decades of harassment, war, and murder of innocent Armenian civilians.
    What is also disturbing, Israel providing military aid to Azerbaijan, because Azerbaijan pretended to help Israel in case Iran attacked them.
    Don’t take my word for this. Pull up a map of the region, then do a research on “pan turkism” and you’ll see it. Armenia (the first Christian nation in history) is the only thing standing between Turkey and all the way to the borders of China.
    All turkic nations starting from Azerbaijan and the rest of the former Soviet Russia turkic nations all the way to China.
    So Armenia is standing in the way.
    Historically, if you care about that, Azerbaijan did not exist until its creation in 1918, all thanks to the Soviet dictators, an in specific, Stalin who gave that region to the tatar and other mongoloid bastards who were resettled there by turks to drive the Armenians, who historically inhabited the land there and even had empires there. Now after populating it with turks, they committed several pogroms and genocides trying to empty the land from its original inhabitants. Turkey demanded that land, and Stalin obliged. Several massacres ensured, but failed to force Armenians to abandon their land until few decades later, and since the islamists breed like rabbit, they became majorirty in Azerbaijan. The region between Armenia and Azerbaijan, known as Karabakh (historic name is Artsakh) still has over 90% Armenians living there. Azerbaijan still says that is “their historic land” somehow, and even insists that Armenia is an “artifical state on Azerbaijani land” as their text books say, which are full of hatred and bigotry against Armenians with distorted history that is simply made up. Armenians also are blamed for all the problems in both Turkey and Azerbaijan, referred to as dogs, inferior humans, accused of every crime and everything bad happening in those backwards countries. Their history is full of pogroms against Armenians. The majority of their people openly endorse enslaving and killing Armenians. Indoctrinated by their political leaders their hateful rhetoric and poisoned text books. They even go further, deny the Armenian Genocide and deny their pogroms, and insist that Armenians, a tiny minority in the area and in these countries, are the ones who committed Genocide against the turks, somehow.

    Where did we see this before? Yes, Nazi Germany, where Jews and Romani people, and political dissidents got the same treatment.
    Didn’t the world say “Never again”?
    Now we are allowing it to happen again. Worse, funding it.
    And the rest looks the other way.
    Other than the speeches from the corrupt to the bone hacks like Schiff and statements of “solidarity with the Armenian people” from the likes of Blinken? Nothing was done.
    The Armenians there continue to suffer, and at this rate, Armenian would not exist 10 years from now, make be 20 at most. Every few months a new war and more demands to surrender more of their historically Armenian land.
    As the world yawns.
    And those few Armenians who got fooled by what the democrats and Joe Biden promised them in their speeches, I also say, you have blood on your hands. Blood of your fellow Armenians.
    I know some don’t care, but I had to say this.
    If you read this far, I appreciate it.


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