Babies crack me up! – IOTW Report

Babies crack me up!

14 Hilariously Gross Ruined Baby Photos…

Warning: Put down your drinks, put away your food.

15 Comments on Babies crack me up!

  1. MJA, clearly all these babies are male, which makes you racist. Wait, that’s not right, it makes you homophobic. That’s not right either. Shit, please tell me what you are. I’m confused.

  2. Thas what babies do!
    Getting into the bath and out of the bath are the most dangerous times.
    Not really dangerous, baby shit and piss comes off pretty easily, just messy.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. When my oldest was in diapers you had to be careful to be there when she woke up.
    If you missed it, she would paint the crib with poop, always the artist.
    Called her Georgia O’Keeffe until she got older, then changed to Sarah Bernhardt, because of her drama.
    This Christmas she and my g/daughter visited for a couple of weeks.
    “Dad, I totally get it why you called me Sarah Bernhardt, sometimes the drama is just unbearable.”
    Grandkids, parents revenge.

  4. I’ll never forget giving my daughter a bath for the first time in the tub. After washing her and letting her play with toys for a while I drained the water out and lifter her up. There it was – a bright brown turd stuck to the tub floor. Who knows how long it was there during the bath.
    OK – wash out the tub and start over…

  5. With baby boys, it’s all about the timining and paying attention. Look to see if the diaper is wet first. If it is wet, then most likey he has already pee’d. If not, there is probably a full bladder waiting to surprise you. Lift the front of the diaper away for a few seconds, watching carefully, then put it down. Doing that two or three times usually triggers the fountain. Have the diaper ready to block the flow.

  6. Our son was toddling in the back yard when our daughter exclaimed, “MOMMMMMM, he pulled down his diaper and pooped on the patio… Ewwwwwwwwww, the dog just ate it!”

    You just haven’t lived until you’ve heard that. 😉 I think it took my wife and I an hour to catch our breath from laughing so hard. Well, nothing to clean up! 🙂

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