Babs Streisand Took COVID Money (For Her Gardner) – IOTW Report

Babs Streisand Took COVID Money (For Her Gardner)

Barbra Streisand is getting slammed today after it was revealed that the $430+ millionaire took Covid relief funds in order to PAY HER GARDENER.

-Did she make him triple mask and get his boosters?

14 Comments on Babs Streisand Took COVID Money (For Her Gardner)

  1. So sick and tired of that arrogant attitude of hers, she really needs to leave the country whether Trump wins or not. Can no longer stand to listen to her music or watch her movies

  2. There were ONLY four reasons for the PLANNEDEMIC.

    Most importantly, to create enough fear to implement fraudulent mail-in balloting to overthrow the US government/president.

    To impose/implement tyranny globally to create a new foundation upon which the NEXT phase of their genocide could launch.

    To facilitate the greatest wealth transfer in human history, all hidden behind the supposed “medical necessity to save the world.”

    To generate enough fear/lies, etc. to implement a chemical sterilization/genocide campaign in the form of the mRNA death jabs.

    Everyone in power simply exploited as many of these purposes as they could.

  3. “Can’t stand her! always knew there was something about her I didn’t like!” – dee

    Proving that women also have visceral reactions to certain people! Have you ever wondered where your ability comes from?

    (I couldn’t stand the sight or sound of her from the very first moment forever ago. Singing, acting, and then later, opinions and political views on TV interview shows. Blech!)


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