Baby Eyes and Gonads – IOTW Report

Baby Eyes and Gonads

Planned Parenthood Nailed For Selling Baby Parts Again.

planned parenthood video 10 baby eyes and gonads for sale

“We’ve just been working with people who want particular tissues, like, you know, they want cardiac, or they want eyes, or they want neural,” says Dr. Westhoff to a prospective fetal organ buyer. “Certainly, everything we provide–oh, gonads! Oh my God, gonads. Everything we provide is fresh.” Westhoff continues, “Obviously, we would have the potential for a huge P.R. issue in doing this,” before offering to introduce the buyers to “national office abortion people” from Planned Parenthood.

8 Comments on Baby Eyes and Gonads

  1. It’s not what you think, the gonads were removed from the republican party.

    I know this is not a subject for making jokes but the republicans will most likely back down on defunding again.

  2. I suspect the “Gonad Ghoul” hasn’t seen the adult version in a long time, if ever. The way she invokes the name of God while talking so flippantly about the killing and rendering His children probably won’t work out so well for her in the end.

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