Baby Featured on Nirvana’s ‘Nevermind’ Album Sues – IOTW Report

Baby Featured on Nirvana’s ‘Nevermind’ Album Sues

— Over ‘Child Pornography’.

Red State: Spencer’s attorney, Robert Y. Lewis, claims it passes as pornographic because the child’s chasing a dollar — “like a sex worker.” –Story

21 Comments on Baby Featured on Nirvana’s ‘Nevermind’ Album Sues

  1. Doxx the idjit. Expose his name and address, so that he can be appropriately scorned and mocked. He wants publicity? I don’t think he’ll like the amount and type of publicity coming his way.

  2. I’ve never understood the allure of Nirvana. They played at a music fest in Seattle called Bumbershoot and were so goddamn depressing I could barely watch them. Then they took off and I tried to listen to them just to see if there was something I was missing. Nope, they suck. I quit going to Bumbershoot shortly thereafter, it no longer had anything to offer me. At one time it was a good place to see bands perform.


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