Baby Steps… – IOTW Report

23 Comments on Baby Steps…

  1. So to recap…

    Pedo McZombie turns wrong direction after soeech.

    Nurse Jill redirects Pedo McZombie to go the other direction.

    Pedo McZombie baby step
    shuffles slowly and begins shaking hands maskless.

    Pedo McZombie gets to the end of the line and Koblacher grabs his skeletal arm and whispers “Put on your mask dipshit”.

    Pedo McZombie grins like a stupid child and then struggles to put on his mask, he then immediately pulls it down to spout more gibberish.

    Pedo McZombie then slowly shuffles back to Nurse Jill who takes him by the hand so he doesn’t trip down the step and gently helps him baby step shuffle his dying carcass out of the room.

    Our nation is in the very best of hands.

    We are so fucked…

    In a related note I love the stick photo of the Pedo and Commiela in the “Situation Room” as the raid in Syria takes place.

    It’s not the situation room and not a single military member is present in the photo.

    Pretty sure Pedo McShitstain was drooling onto his pillow even with the time difference.

  2. Doktor Jill knows her man can’t take more than a few minutes at a time being the most powerful man in the room. She will be throwing him in the big closet with that new doggy and locking the door on them as soon as she gets President* Joey Obiden upstairs. What a shameful sham.

  3. There is already a meme out there with the idiot with a collar around his neck and her leading him by a leash

    If I were to join in the seemingly obligatory disclaimers on how I actually feel sorry for the worthless piece of subhuman shit I would be as full of shit as that vapid second rate lying sack of shit Psaki. I don’t feel any sympathy or pity whatsoever for what happens to the worthless cocksucker period. Full stop. I flat our despise the son of a bitch and feel nothing but indifference to what befalls him.

  4. “We’re” not fucked, they are. Wickedness has a price. All the lying leftist idiots OWN this. I’m done with all of them until my time on Earth is done.

    “Can we discuss?”, “Can we get along?”. “We need to cooperate”
    HELL NO!! You people suck, life’s too short, hope you all get hit by a bus.

  5. He’s trying out for the Special Olympics baby steps relay team. Quick get joey to the short bus pronto. My mom had Sundowners and it wasn’t pretty nor fun to deal with, what Jill is doing to this feeb pretending to be President is criminal and should be grounds for his removal from office.

  6. Jill *Biden is a modern-day Mrs Woodrow Wilson….except that *Biden doesn’t have the excuse of suffering from a massive stroke that left him an incapacitated brain-dead drooling idiot.

  7. If it ever happens, the State of the Union Address will be a train wreck of enormous proportions. Got my popcorn ready to pop and a pound of butter.
    Plus a couple of fifths of bourbon.

  8. The mainstream media spent hours discussing Donald Trump using a handrail when walking down a set of stairs. Clearly, his use of a handrail was indicative of a complete physical collapse and infirmity. 🙄 Now, here this feeble old coot is doing the nursing home shuffle and it’s 🦗🦗🦗 from the MSM


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