Babylon Bee: Controversial Georgia Law Requires Poll Workers To Check Voters For A Pulse – IOTW Report

Babylon Bee: Controversial Georgia Law Requires Poll Workers To Check Voters For A Pulse


ATLANTA, GA—Republican Governor Brian Kemp has signed into law sweeping overhauls to Georgia’s election law, including a provision requiring poll workers to check for a pulse before allowing voters to cast a ballot.

Voting rights advocates decried the controversial bill crafted by the Peach State’s Republicans as an act intended to suppress turnout of the state’s many dead Democratic voters, thereby ensuring Republican victories for local, state, and federal races. more

9 Comments on Babylon Bee: Controversial Georgia Law Requires Poll Workers To Check Voters For A Pulse

  1. All the voter fraud that took place in Georgia in the last election was already completely illegal. No one did anything about enforcing those laws. So what good are new laws?


    Democrats, liberals, commies, Marxists, etc. Can NOT win shit without cheating; weather it’s fraud, lying, bullshiting, stealing, or otherwise fooling the public.

  3. This discrimination against dead people must end. Don’t they have rights too (as long as they try not to eat anyone’s brains. Of course, if they were in Washington, D.C., they would probably starve).

  4. …it makes sense for the physically corrupt to be represented by the morally corrupt, both are not only useless to healthy people, but actually poisonous…

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