Back To 2-And-A-Half Wars? – IOTW Report

Back To 2-And-A-Half Wars?

AFP: An overarching tenet for decades in the American national security planning environment was the ability for the U.S. military to simultaneously conduct two-and-a-half major regional conflicts (MRCs).

Translated, this meant that the United States had the military size to generate and project military force for a major conflict in the European area, a major conflict in the Asian area, and a smaller “brushfire” conflict somewhere else. more

16 Comments on Back To 2-And-A-Half Wars?

  1. Too many of the soliders we have are female, transvestites or morons. And our population base for soldiers is down to 30% of the military-age men in our country. And we have SEVERE ammo shortages. And pilot shortages. And morons in our top leadership. Yeah, we can fight 2 1/2 wars.

  2. Yeah sure, you betcha, not a chance in hell with bidumb in charge. We may become like the French and run away at the sight of our own shadow, God forbid. Except for the few true blue American soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen who will still fight, let’s hope that’s enough to make a difference. Gutless joe has got to go.

  3. Don’t forget that recently, those 2.5 wars were engineered by us. Also, now, we’ve got 10’s of thousands of military people stationed everywhere engaged in only God knows what!

  4. “Also, now, we’ve got 10’s of thousands of military people stationed everywhere engaged in only God knows what!”

    Apparently, engaging in the murder, rape and robbery of whatever local population is near our bases. Our military is exporting American thuggery to the world, while our diplomatic corps is imposing faggotry on the world. Clearly we’re not sending our best, so maybe we should be sending less.

  5. We will only have to fight one war, and it will be on our own soil. An estimated 10,000 Chinese nationals have crossed our southern border and are now dispersed across the U.S. At the same time, the politicians are working overtime to disarm us. Gee, I wonder why?

  6. And what are we going to fight WITH ? We left thousands of weapons and a helluva lot of equipment in Af-stan 2 years ago. How much has been replaced? How many units are up to strength with men & equipment? And lead by Senior Leaders with 6 rows of Non-combat ribbons?

  7. The US has forgotten how or possess the will to win Wars since WWII. We don’t have the Military leadership, the ability or the political will to win.
    “There has never been a protracted war from which a country has benefited . . . What is essential in war is victory, not prolonged operations.”
    ― Sun Tzu
    “Again, if the campaign is protracted, the resources of the State will not be equal to the strain.”
    ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

    War; Destroy enemy combatants and those who support, fund and manufacture weapons for use by enemy combatants.

    [Clausewitz] Since war cannot be eradicated from human affairs, a state must be prepared to fight in order to defend its interests, its honour and even its survival.

    “Put them in a spot where they have no place to go, and they will die before fleeing.”
    ― Sun-Tzu

    “One need not destroy one’s enemy. One need only destroy his willingness to engage.”
    ― Sun Tzu

  8. “And we have SEVERE ammo shortages.”

    Not doubting that but what happened to the billions of rounds stockpiled by the IRS, EPA, DOE and various other government agencies during the reign of the Kenyan? That’s a little bit tongue in cheek. I don’t think those agencies were stock piling Tomahawk missiles and 105mm artillery rounds but I don’t know that for certain.

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