Back-Tracking Kamala does the walk-back shuffle (again) – IOTW Report

Back-Tracking Kamala does the walk-back shuffle (again)

Patriot Retort: After putting on quite a staged dramatic scene about the wonders of federally-mandated busing at last week’s debate, back-tracking Kamala Harris has shifted into reverse once again.

When it comes to back-tracking on previous positions and statements, this woman is giving Kirsten “Flip-Flop” Gillibrand a run for her money.

While campaigning Wednesday in Iowa, Back-Tracking Kamala was asked about her “powerful, viral” moment in the debate when she excoriated Joe Biden for opposing federally-mandated busing.

For those who didn’t watch (lucky you), after Biden explained his position was not opposing busing in general, but the federal government forcing it on schools, Harris pounced and declared, “So, that’s when the federal government steps in! There are moments in history where states fail to preserve the civil rights of all people.”

And just to be certain we all understood that Kamala wanted the Federal Government involved in busing, she went on to screech about all the Federal mandates she supports to force states to bend to the will of the Democrat Party.

There was no doubt about it; Harris was defending and promoting the Federal Government forcing local schools to bus students the hell and back in order to create artificial school “integration.”

But that was then.

Like pretty much everything else Back-Tracking Kamala initially promotes, she walked it back.

From the AP

Sen. Kamala Harris said Wednesday that busing students should be considered by school districts trying to desegregate their locations — not the federal mandate she appeared to support in pointedly criticizing rival Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden last week.

. more here

15 Comments on Back-Tracking Kamala does the walk-back shuffle (again)

  1. I’m thinking ‘back-tracking’ is realizing that there may have been a ‘misquote’, mis-step’, phuck-up or some other screwy bullshit.
    It may be the minimum of understanding you could possibly be wrong.

    It may be a start!
    Although I doubt it.

  2. Kalamity Curry Coon is Hillary Rodham Clinton without forty years of networking to become the first failed female presidential candidate. Kalamity has got all those Willie Brown years to prove her credentials to become the second female to run for president and lose because of white nationalism. I can’t wait to hear her excuses.

  3. Is Ms. Harris an actual natural born citizen? By all accounts she is not, therefore is flat out ineligible to run for President. Why is this being overlooked…the Constitution is very clear on the requirement.

  4. Now that we have a president who’s not a politician and approaches things with common sense all of the frauds are being compared to his standard and they look more phony and disingenuous than ever, especially this sleazy whore.

  5. While you’re at it, desegregate Kamala’s neighborhood by bussing in some of her beloved thugs, homeless, and illegals. I’m sure there aren’t anywhere near enough.


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