Bad Joke Friday – IOTW Report

Bad Joke Friday

Courtesy of Wendy Bell Radio.

29 Comments on Bad Joke Friday

  1. want a bad joke? ……………… Joe Biden is pResident

    want another one? …………….. the Biden Crime Family Syndicate™️ is totally legit

    want another one? …………….. the USA is a ‘democracy’

    want another one? …………….. they’re ‘migrants’

    want another one? …………….. the genocidal maniacs of Hamas are victims of genocide

    want another one? …………….. federal ‘judges’ & ‘prosecutors’ are not political hacks, the FBI & CIA are not political hacks, the DC Circuit Court is not full of DemonRat political hacks … ad infinitum ….

  2. A guy tells his buddy that he‘s just started dating a twin.

    Friend says, “Wow…that must be weird. How do you tell them apart?”

    He says, “Well, Jennifer likes to wear a certain type of green nail polish….

    …and Bob’s got a cock.”

  3. TIM

    71 years ago on a vacation in Ha; went to a club to watch Don No. He called my school age girl on stage and sang a song to her! Un prompted by me; wife?
    all but boy were thrilled! Boy pouted; Santa did not list!

  4. This guy comes home from work at the pickle factory and his wife asks him how his day was.
    “Horrible,” he says. “After 10 years working at the pickle factory, they fired me.”
    “Why’d they fire you?” asked his wife.
    “Well, me and a bunch of the guys went out to a bar during lunch and got pretty loaded. When we got back, they bet me $100 bucks that I wouldn’t stick my dick in the pickle slicer.”
    “Well, did you?” asked his wife.
    “For 100 bucks?” said the husband. “Of course I did.”
    “Well, is your dick OK?” asked the wife.
    “It’s fine.”
    “Well, what happened to the pickle slicer?” asked his wife.
    “They fired her too.”


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