Bad Joke Friday! – IOTW Report

Bad Joke Friday!

The evening edition. Watch here!

19 Comments on Bad Joke Friday!

  1. A lawyer was confused and hassled with mathematics of a case…

    … So he asked his secretary:
    “If I give you USD 3 million less 17.5%, how much would you take off?”

    Secretary: “Everything Sir! Dress, Underwear, Everything.”

    From Mathematicians jokes

  2. A nuther Mathematician joke –

    Dawgsqueeze played high school football in Detroit. He was a great running back, but a really poor student. At graduation, he didn’t have enough credits, but he was a great football star and the students held a rally and demanded the principal give him a diploma anyway. They were so insistent that the principal agreed that if Dawgsqueeze could answer one question correctly, he would give him a diploma.

    The one question test was held in the auditorium and all the students packed the place. It was standing room only. The principal was on the stage and told him to come up. Diploma in hand, the principal said: “Dawgsqueeze, if you can answer this one question correctly, I’ll give you your diploma.”

    “Dawgsqueeze, how much is three times seven?”
    Dawgsqueeze looked up at the ceiling and then down at his shoes, pondering the question. All the students began chanting, “Graduate him anyway! Graduate him anyway!”
    Then Dawgsqueez held up his hand and the auditorium became silent. He said, “I think I know the answer. Three times seven is twenty-one.”

    A hush fell over the auditorium and then all the other students began to chant:
    “Give him another chance! Give him another chance!”

  3. There once was a man from Madras
    Whose balls were made of brass
    In stormy weather
    They clanged together
    And sparks flew out of his ass

    From best dirty limericks

  4. AS man with one eye made of wood goes into a nightclub. He sees an old broad there that looks reasonably attractive, except she’s got a wooden leg. He goes up to her anyway and asks her her name and if she’d like to dance.

    She says her name is Peg and says loudly “Would I, Would I, Would I”. The guy takes that as an insult and yells back at her “Peg Leg, Peg Leg, Peg Leg”.


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