BAD Joke Friday! – IOTW Report

BAD Joke Friday!

Here you go.

31 Comments on BAD Joke Friday!

  1. How I Served My Country by Jane Fonda
    My Beauty Secrets by Janet Reno
    Things I Like About Bill by Hillary Clinton
    My Plan To Find The Real Killers by OJ Simpson
    Things I Cannot Afford by Bill Gates

  2. “Ladies, don’t forget the rummage sale. It’s a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Don’t forget your husbands”.

  3. Did you hear about the guy who went to the hospital with pain in his rectum? The doctors removed three plastic horses from his butt. They listed his condition as “stable”

  4. Rene Descartes was in a restaurant when the waiter asked if he wanted another drink. He said, “I think not!”, and disappeared.

    From Philosopher Jokes

  5. A German, an Italian, a Frenchman, and an Englishmen are debating philosophy.
    The question arises over the course of their debates: What separates man from the animals?

    “Technology,” says the German. “Other creatures have tools, yet none can match the hights of engineering we have accomplished. It is our industry that separates us from the beasts.”

    “I disagree,” announces the Italian. “It is our food. The creatures of the wild eat, but they do not cook. Humans on the other hand, create amazing dishes and new combination that make eating a most enjoyable experience.”

    “I say it’s art,” decides the Frenchman. “No other being can create art. From our earliest days we have painted, and now we sculpt, write and compose as well. The wild animals cannot ever know what it is like to cry over a beautiful piece of art.”

    All three now look towards the Englishman, expecting his answer. He takes a long sip of tea before answering.

    “The Channel.”

    From Philosopher Jokes

  6. Not jokes, but interesting movie titles:

    I Wake Up Screaming
    The Night Evelyn Came Out of the Grave
    The General Died at Dawn
    Let’s Scare Jessica to Death
    Night Train to Chungking

  7. ^^^^^ Uh, maybe it was Night Plane from Chungking (1943).

    I don’t know if it was a good movie or not, but the title is evocative. Wartime espionage in the mysterious far east and all of that.

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