Bad! Joke! Friday! – IOTW Report

Bad! Joke! Friday!

Check them out, then post your own in the comments.
Happy Friday!

43 Comments on Bad! Joke! Friday!

  1. The IRS suspected a fishing boat owner was filing a fraudulent return and maybe wasn’t paying proper wages to his deckhand and sent an IRS auditor to investigate.

    IRS Auditor: “I need a list of your employees and how much you compensate them in wages and other compensation.”

    Boat Owner: “Well, there’s Clarence, my deckhand, he’s been with me for 3 years. I pay him $1,000 a week plus free room and board. Then there’s the mentally challenged guy. He works about 16 hours every day and does about 90% of the work around here. He makes about $10 a week, and pays his own room and board. I do buy him a bottle of Tequila and a 12 pack of Dos Equis every Saturday night so he can cope with his life. He also sleeps with my wife occasionally.”

    IRS Auditor: “Get him for me, I want to talk to him.”

    Boat Owner: “That would be me. What would you like to know?”

  2. What happens at the Gay League Football Games

    the male cheerleaders yell:




    Play by play announcer: Well, there seems to be a delay on the field…the QB and center for the NY Velvet appear to be stuck together and unable to separate…it’s OK, we see it all the time, right Dan?

    Dan: You bet we do, Bob. These guys really love each other. It’s so sweet to see.

  3. geoff – Tim Buktu, that joke should be a urine eight on a 1-10 scale.

    Reminds me of the Little Johnny joke where the 5th grad teacher tells her students to think of a three sylable word tonight and how you would use it in a sentence. Then tomorrow you can tell the class.

    So the next day, when it came time for everybody to tell their word and how they would use it in a sentence, little Johnny raised his hand and was straining at the bit to tell his, but Miss Crabtree, knowing Little Johnny, put him off until last.

    So first Miss Crabtree called on Sally. “What is your word and how would you use it in a sentence?”
    Sally: “My word is Smart” “Oh Miss Crabtree you are so smart”

    Then Miss Crabtree called on Davy. “Davy, what is your word and how would you use it in a sentence?”
    Davy: “My word is beautiful.” “Oh Miss Crabtree you are so beautiful”

    On it went like that with the rest of the class, mostly complimentary to Miss Crabtree.
    Then finally it was Little Johnny’s turn. “Ok Johnny, what is your word and how would you use it in a sentence?”

    Johnny stands up and says “My word is urinate!”
    Miss Crabtree puts her hand on her forehead, covers her eyes and thinks “Oh Lord, what’s coming next!”

    Little Johnny says: “My word is urinate” “Oh Miss Crabtree, urinate… and if ya had bigger tits you’d be a TEN!”

  4. Some archologists were digging at an ancient Greek crypt.

    They found a 6-inch long object that they could not identify. So they sent it to a lab to have it analyzed.

    The result came in the next week, in an alliterate kind of way: Some cretin crept into the crypt and crapped.

  5. Little Johnny joke.

    The teacher Ms. Crabtree asked the children to come up with a short 2-line poem. All the kids came up with a poem except Johnny who spent the time looking out the window, making rude sounds, and tossing spitballs at the other kids. Finally Ms. Crabtree, exasperated, sent Little Johnny out to the hall told him to stand there till he came up with a poem.

    Ten minutes later Johnny comes back in and claims he had a poem. Ms. Crabtree, aware of Johnny’s dirty mind says: OK Johnny, but whisper to me before telling the class.

    Johnny whispers in her ear: When I was standing in the Hall, I saw a cockroach climb up the wall. Ms. Crabtree was impressed but told Johnny to leave out the “cock” because that was not a nice word. Then she tells Johnny to tell his poem to the class.

    Johnny turns to the class and says: “When I was standing in the Hall, I saw a roach climb up the wall, with his cock out.”

  6. Here’s one you can tell the little ones… if they are over eight they may think it is lame…

    What did the snail say when it slithered on top of the turtle?


  7. I have a pic I took of a Sundial located at an old European vineyard. It’s an incredible picture and I hope to share it with you all someday. Looking for a way. Maybe a Stick.

    Anyways, the picture is double cool because on looking at it again recently, I realized I could read it. Also, I could deduce, roughly, where it was located.

    PS: This Sundial told the Time at another place.

    If not earlier, it WILL be in “The Great 55”.

  8. Cleaning out his closet, a man finds a claim ticket for a pair of shoes in a coat pocket. He left the shoes at the cobbler’s ten years ago but he figures, “What the heck, I’ll see if he still has them.”.

    He goes to the cobbler’s and hands the owner the ticket. The owner looks at it and says, “Oh yes, they’ll be ready next Friday.”.

  9. As the ship began to take on water in the middle of the ocean, it looked like the passengers were doomed as there weren’t enough lifeboats for all of them.

    As the water rose higher and higher, somebody asked if anyone knew a prayer that would help give them some comfort.

    A man steps forward and says, “I lived next to a church. I think I can do it.”. He bows his head and in a clear voice starts.

    “B 23, I 15, N 9, G 31, O 18.”

    He was promptly thrown overboard.

  10. Two gentlemen are watching the Wright brothers fly one of their first planes. One remarks “what will we discover and build next? I simply cannot believe my eyes. What are you thinking about?”
    His friend replies….
    “Who is fixing my bicycle?”


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