Bad Joke Friday! – IOTW Report

Bad Joke Friday!

With Wendy Bell and Brock

24 Comments on Bad Joke Friday!

  1. So a guy walks into a doctor’s office late one night and says, “Doc you gotta help me.”

    The doc’s surprised since they were closed, but he asks him anyway what’s the problem?

    The guy says, “I think I’m a moth.”

    Doc says, “I understand that could be a problem but I’m a surgeon. I think you need a psychiatrist.”

    Guy says, “Yeah, I know, but your light was on.”

    Have I already posted that before? If so, that makes it really bad joke.

  2. Guy walks into a bar and notices a sign that reads:

    Hot dog 2
    Hamburger 3
    Handjob 10

    ‘He calls over the very attractive young bartender and ask if she is the one who gives the hand jobs. She says with a mischievous smile that she is.

    The guy looks at her and says, “Go wash your hands and get me two hamburgers.”

    Go wash your hands and get ome two hamburgers

  3. Everyone asked a 100 year-year old man and his 98 year old wife for their health secrets. The old man said “I promised my wife that when we quarrel, the loser has to walk for three miles. So I have been walking three miles every day for the past 75 years”! People applauded and asked, “but how is your wife so healthy too?” “That’s another secret, Every day for 75 years she’s followed me to make sure I walk the full three miles.”

  4. A cartoon from the 1920’a.

    A guy and his girlfriend were sitting under a tree on a nice day.

    The guy has a book of Kipling’s works – poems or whatever. He says to the girl: Do you like Kipling?

    The girl answers: I don’t know, I’ve never Kippled.

  5. A boxer in the 1930’s got knocked out in the ring and stayed unconscious for a while. His handlers took him to a hospital to get him checked out.

    His condition improved overnight, and he was discharged the next morning. A group of sports reporters waited for him at the hospital door. They asked him how everything went.

    The boxer replied: Uh, they checked my brain but didn’t find nuttin’.


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