Bad Joke Friday! (On Saturday!) – IOTW Report

Bad Joke Friday! (On Saturday!)

Yeah yeah, I’m late. I had a lot of crap to do on Friday. Here you go.

30 Comments on Bad Joke Friday! (On Saturday!)

  1. Two atoms bumped into each other. One said, “I think I lost an electron.” The other asked, “Are you sure?” The first replied, “I’m positive!”

    From Physics Jokes

  2. Men teaching classes for women at the Adult Learning Center. Registration must be complete for June 30 2024!

    (Note due to the difficulty and complexity level of their contents class size will be limited to 8 participants)

    Class 1: Up in Winter down in Summer-How to adjust a Thermostat Step by Step, with slide presentation. Meets 2 weeks, Monday and Wednesday for 2 hrs. Beginning at 7:00 PM..

  3. Mother goes into her son’s room and is shocked when she sees him chewing on an electric cord

    OHM my God! WATT should I do about this. He could kill himself.

    Just then Dad comes in and jokes. “We’ll just have to ground him until he learns how to conduct himself properly

  4. I’ve done two song parodies about ED .. “Blue Steel Pill” (Blue Suede Shoes) and “Go See Alice”. I was going to make it a trilogy with “Viva Levitra” … but I just haven’t been up to the task lately

  5. Other planets have nifty names for their moons, like Saturn has Titan for example.

    We’re stuck with the boring and generic Moon.

    I suggest we start calling our moon Half-Ass, since we only get to see one half of it.

  6. @Mod,,

    Yes! If the angle of the dangle, or the heat of the meat, or the mass of the ass are not in the Goldilocks Zone of the correct range of possibilities, it ain’t going to happen.

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