‘Baffling Error:’ Joe Biden Removes Nigeria from Religious Oppressor List Despite Christian Persecution – IOTW Report

‘Baffling Error:’ Joe Biden Removes Nigeria from Religious Oppressor List Despite Christian Persecution

Breitbart: Secretary of State Antony Blinken removed Nigeria from the U.S. list of countries that engage in severe religious freedom violations, drawing the consternation of an international Christian persecution watchdog group this week.

David Curry, CEO of Open Doors USA, a group that monitors Christian persecution across the globe, declared in a statement Wednesday:

We’re deeply alarmed at today’s decision by the U.S. State Department to end the designation of Nigeria as a Country of Particular Concern (CPC). This is not only a baffling error, it’s likely in direct violation of the International Religious Freedom Act, the law that requires these designations to be made in the first place.

On November 15, Blinken made the CPC and “Entities of Particular Concern (EPC)” designations.

The latter refers to non-state actors who have also engaged in particularly severe violations of religious freedom. more

9 Comments on ‘Baffling Error:’ Joe Biden Removes Nigeria from Religious Oppressor List Despite Christian Persecution

  1. Xi told President Brandon Puddingbrain to do it or Hunter won’t get that extra ten million dollars this Christmas.
    Brandon does what he’s told to do by his Masters.

  2. You mean President Dr. Jill.

    Joe”s lists are:

    Cream of Wheat
    Fresh Fruit

    Tomato Soup
    Grilled Cheese
    Ice Cream

    Roast Beef
    Fresh Turnip Puree

    Hot Cocoa before bed

  3. China told him to do it.
    They are Christians.
    They are Black.

    Joe, Robert Byrd’s understudy, didn’t see a problem with that.

    How many failures can a mentally challenged president have before Americans wake up? Wasn’t the cowardly and incompetent Afghanistan debacle, failing economy, tax increases, energy crisis and inflation enough (and that’s a partial list)?

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