‘Ballot Trafficker’ Admits to Being Paid THOUSANDS in Ballot Harvesting Scheme – IOTW Report

‘Ballot Trafficker’ Admits to Being Paid THOUSANDS in Ballot Harvesting Scheme

Patriot Powerline:

Alleged ballot trafficker making the rounds in Georgia in 2020

Radio host John Fredericks joined Steve Bannon back in September to discuss an EXPLOSIVE development in Georgia.

According to John Fredericks, investigators have video of 240 leftist operatives he called “ballot traffickers” dumping tens of thousands of ballots into drop boxes in the middle of the night in locations across Georgia.

The leftist operatives were identified making numerous drops in the middle of the night in Georgia. They were filmed emptying their backpacks of ballots into the drop boxes in the middle of the night. Ballot harvesting is not legal in Georgia. This was criminal behavior caught on video!

True the Vote and one other organization have copies of the video and promised to release their findings.

Heather Mullins from Real Americas Voice later reported on the John Fredericks radio show that there is video that captures 240 ballot traffickers in Georgia.  Each of the traffickers averaged 23-24 drops where they would empty backpacks into the ballot boxes.  This is completely illegal.  No harvesting is allowed in Georgia. more

9 Comments on ‘Ballot Trafficker’ Admits to Being Paid THOUSANDS in Ballot Harvesting Scheme

  1. Hopefully this puts some real heat on Kemp and Raffensperger. It’s obvious they were in on the steal from the start, but at least now there appears to be solid evidence that the elections (presidential and senate runoffs) were stolen while the “republicans” in office turned a blind eye and let it happen (and have since lied about it). If nothing else maybe it will help defeat these two sacks of dung in the primaries and we can get a SOS and governor that aren’t completely sold out.

  2. 81 million votes for a senile old crooked pervert who is rude to working people. Yah… Sure… You Betcha. The Trump era forever exposed the stale institutions, authorities, and cultural ringmasters in our country that horde power and do nothing much of any good with it. They are so cloistered that their ignorance of things they insist on controlling is both shocking and terrifying.

  3. Actual videos of suitcases of ballots being pulled out and fed through counting machines multiple times when the counting was supposedly stopped as well as vans pulling up to “closed” buildings used for ballot counting and boxes being carried into them WASN’T FUCKING ENOUGH???

    Over 1,000 sworn affidavits of illegal actions observed by election officials wasn’t enough?

    Real time photographic proof of sudden & huge vote count swings wasn’t enough?

    Over 50,000 votes forensically proven to be illegal in 1 county in AZ, a state Trump “lost” by 10,000 wasn’t enough?

    The list of illegal acts committed to install the frauds we have in the WH grows & grows including the arbitrary, unilateral and illegal ignorance of individual state constitutions by dem govs to enact various voting schemes to steal the election.

    All of these lawless deeds would have been enough for our once formidable institutions like the FBI or SC to act. Now? Ahhh, ain’t happening.

  4. Treason.
    Those who did it and those who facilitated it.
    Treason is (or was – Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, for instance) punishable by death.
    We need to get on with it.
    Where is the DOJ?
    Where is the FBI?
    Where is the FEC?
    Silly to ask, isn’t it?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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