Ballots In Arizona’s Maricopa County Found Shredded and In Dumpster – Days Before Senate Audit To Begin – IOTW Report

Ballots In Arizona’s Maricopa County Found Shredded and In Dumpster – Days Before Senate Audit To Begin

Gateway Pundit-

Per our source on the ground in the County, yesterday an individual went by the Maricopa County Tabulation and election center and found doors wide open with seeming uninhibited access to the facility.

Piles of shredded ballots were located today in a dumpster in Maricopa County Arizona.  This find occurs only days before the Senate’s audit of the county’s 2020 election results is due to start.

For months the Board of Supervisors in Maricopa County have blocked and delayed any independent audit performed by the Arizona Senate of the County’s results in the 2020 Presidential election.  As we’ve reported previously, after being subpoenaed by the Arizona Senate and then suing the Senate to prevent a Senate audit of their 2020 election results, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) agreed to have an audit if they could pick the auditors. The two firms they picked they claimed were the only two who were certified by the governmental body the US Election Assistance Commission (EAC). However, we found that these firms were not certified at the time they were selected by the MCBOS: more

18 Comments on Ballots In Arizona’s Maricopa County Found Shredded and In Dumpster – Days Before Senate Audit To Begin

  1. I’ll admit up front that I haven’t read the article, I’m, just going on the headline.

    How convenient that the person who shredded the ballots just left them at the scene of the crime in the tabulation center trash can, and that the building was wide open for anyone to access and find the incriminating evidence.

    I call Bee Ess! This is a variation of exactly what we heard during the initial vote counting process.

  2. Jethro – I’m sure they do, but even a panicked idiot criminal has enough sense to either take the ballots off site somewhere to shred and dispose of, or take the shredded ballots far far away.

    To leave them at the scene of the crime is stoopidity of the highest magnitude, or arrogance and spite of the highest degree…hmmm, I might be on to something with that second thought.

  3. @Different Tim: “…The Iranians were able to reassemble a lot of the shredded documents from the embassy”

    they used a bunch of child ‘carpet weavers’ from Isfahan province. They have the eyesight and dexterity to do such a thing, and they did it.
    and that’s why there were the chainese consulate fires in Texas and elsewhere.

  4. Way back in the misty recesses of blessed memory when, the rule of law held sway, there was a legal theory called “spoilation of evidence” which held that if one party destroyed evidence relevant to a dispute, it was deemed that “C’mon, man what’s your hangup, man. Sometimes shit like that happens, so get over it. Besides, what difference, at this point does it make?”

    Just kidding, the actual theory assumes that the evidence must have been conclusive proof of the other sides case. And, of course, the spoilators would have been arrested for contempt of court

  5. If they had published the actual emails they claim were sent, along with their headers and all to trace them, I might believe this.

    But they didn’t, sou I have doubts about its credibility. Gateway Pundit doesn’t have the best of reputations and gets sued all the time and usually loses. There are only unverifiable claims made in this with no factual or verifiable data and evidence involved.

  6. “Voter fraud should be a capital offense.” because Treason already is.

    “Absolutely NO evidence of widespread voter fraud.” “False narrative.” Go straight to Hell you lying traitors!

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