Baltimore: 319 Murdered this year- so far – IOTW Report

Baltimore: 319 Murdered this year- so far

DC: Baltimore is experiencing its second deadliest year on record, with 319 homicides committed in the city so far in 2017.

The deadliest year on record occurred in 2015 with 344 homicides, reported The Baltimore Sun.

Baltimore’s Democratic Mayor Catherine E. Pugh called the violence in 2017 “out of control,” and said she would be increasing the number of police officers to 3,000, according to The Baltimore Sun.

The most recent murder took place in East Baltimore, where an unidentified 21-year-old man was shot and killed Thursday, near Lafayette. The suspect is named Allen Hosea Johnson Jr. and was banned from owning a firearm due to past criminal convictions.

35 Comments on Baltimore: 319 Murdered this year- so far

  1. @PHenry – How can one be disillusioned when one had no illusions to begin with?

    (Aside: I’m a native Marylander, born in Annapolis, and have lived more years in that state than in any other of the several states where I’ve resided as an adult.)

  2. This is nothing compared to the Tsunami that is coming in the next few years.
    I reference an earlier posting on this site :
    You are going to have a massive population of kids with no job skills(even if there were jobs for them), all of them being told that they are the victims of systemic racism and oppression.
    Here is a picture of the future:

  3. Bear with me as this is racist and I apologize for my Protestant Mum who used to be Catholic….Nigga, Nigga, Duck….you seem to be stuck in the muck….Nigga, Nigga, Duck….


    they should never be able to find enough to get 3000 officers.

    SCREW THEM! Don’t apply for the job. It’s not worth your life. You let Darwinism work itself out there.

  5. So funny. This in ANOTHER high gun control state/city. Absolutely illustrative that gun control DOES NOT WORK.

    Guns CANNOT commit murder. I’ve never seen an ounce of film depicting a gun committing a crime. They just don’t have the ability to work without a human holding them.

  6. @ Bad Brad…..I think you should be forthwith known as “CARDIGAN BAD BRAD”…..shit, the title comes with a tie….and a clasp…..and maybe a hand maiden with polish your tulip….

  7. Of course these are the all-black areas of Baltimore, in blue state MD. The white areas of Baltimore are very pleasant and livable w some great restaurants and a bit of historical pedigree. The violence spills over into places like the Inner Harbor on occasion. If Balt were to start knocking over public housing and telling the residents to scram, they could start cleaning the place up, but it’s a blue (dumb) state.

  8. St. Louis has the highest
    murder rate. Baltimore is
    second on the list. If you
    stay out of the “no-go” N zones
    it’s not too bad. The touristas
    don’t know this and some wind
    up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Otherwise the violence is
    mostly black druggies shooting
    one another with collateral
    damage to their black neighbors.
    Since black juries won’t find
    them guilty because “theys jus
    tryin to feeds theys famblies”
    the violence goes on.

  9. Just a nuther democRAT flagship city turned into a run-down, shot-up, burned-out, poverty-stricken, urine-soaked, rat-infested, crime-ridden, feces-friendly city brought to you by corrupt Rat politicians rewarding cronies with public funds, establishing hostile business environments, heavily taxing the most productive citizens, setting up fat pensions for their union friends run by democRATS for decades who “really care” about the poor by selling them fabricated “Racism”, “Hope & Change” snake oil and promising Free Shit every time there is an election!

  10. Would be cheaper, more cost effective to build a wall around the city and let gang bangers take care of the problem one stolen gun at a time. Like Chicago and Detroit, Baltimore is corrupt, rotten to the core, morally bankrupt, and hopeless. No amount of money is going to fix the problem because lack of money is not the problem. Breakdown of the black family, enabled by welfare, is the problem.

  11. I lived in the Inner Harbor area from 1999 until 2002, when the city was actually improving. SO GLAD I’m not there now. The monkeys are loose in all sectors and there is no plan to address this.

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