Baltimore building explosion injures 23, traps workers – IOTW Report

Baltimore building explosion injures 23, traps workers

ABC: BALTIMORE — An explosion in a high-rise building in Baltimore injured 23 people Wednesday and temporarily trapped a window washing crew on dangling scaffolding.

Twenty-one of the victims were brought to area hospitals following the explosion, which caused a partial roof collapse. The city’s fire department tweeted that at least nine of the victims were in critical condition, while another was in serious condition.

The trapped workers were rescued through a window. Firefighters continued to search the building Wednesday afternoon.

The firefighters’ union tweeted that evidence points to an explosion on the 16th floor of the downtown building, where the offices of Baltimore Gas and Electric Company are located. read more

8 Comments on Baltimore building explosion injures 23, traps workers

  1. Sounds like someone miss-wired the ignition control & energy management system interlock.
    Started Pilot ignition with second stage stage Gas fully energized. The unit will start to spark to light the pilot (small) before it sends in low fire Gas. But if Hi Stage Gas is being powered by an external source (the energy management circuit) you get the sparks from the pilot igniter hitting a large amount of fully opened Gas with no pilot flame present until…. Blammmo! Homer Simpson.

    Energy management guys fuck this interlock up VERY regularly.
    Most of them know computers but have no real gas knowledge.

    Or some lazy fuck left a gas fitting loose because he was on TicToc instead of paying attention.

    Get used to it folks! The new Millennial Trades people who get passed because “Feelings”.

  2. I was in the telco, in Ballmer, doing telco shit in an office building about 7 miles from some big shopping mall.

    We had been working there for months. No glass in the windows, cold as the north fucking pole. Not really, but it was fucking cold. The WIND! Wow.

    One morning we got there at about 5am. Firetrucks everywhere. Cops. Yellow tape.

    They hoisted the generator onto the 7th floor deck the night before. Sometime before 5am the generator had collapsed 3 floors below it (on the quadrant it sat) and had done significant damage to everything below that.

    We never went back to see what happened. But that was a bit of a holiday for us.

    “Go home!”


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