Baltimore: Giving them a McDonald’s to destroy – IOTW Report

Baltimore: Giving them a McDonald’s to destroy

Breitbart Video: A massive brawl broke out in a Baltimore McDonalds on Friday evening, causing chaos as customers threw punches and smashed the counter, according to a video.

The video shows a group of people milling around the right corner of the fast food joint when one male customer threw a punch in another customer’s direction. It is unclear how the brawl began or if law enforcement got involved.

The fighting escalated when customers began hopping over the counter to throw more punches. One person dressed in a yellow hoodie jumped the counter before throwing a punch and tackling someone already behind the counter.

The sound of metal trays and utensils crashing could be heard in the background as the commotion continued. Another customer wearing a blue top stole a cup from behind the counter, prompting others to do the same.  watch


SNIP: Remember this?

42 Comments on Baltimore: Giving them a McDonald’s to destroy

  1. The last time I was in an inner city McBozos was at Union Station in Wash. DC in May 1992. I’d never seen 3/4# cheeseburgers anyone else before, what are they trying to kill the blacks with huge burgers or what? And the Jack In The Box in Yakima, Wa. that’s closest to the freeway on 1st Ave. going out of town I avoid because of the Mexicans, I was in there one time when a bunch of gang bangers came in and I left as soon as I could.

  2. “We also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that, as well.” Her words.

    She should have been arrested by the FBI as a criminal accomplice.

    Just another example of government not upholding the law.

  3. @ geoff, Jewel

    Miners is great! I also trade at a couple other local places.

    I go to Majors in Gap for their fried asparagus. Need one order per year, and then I’m good for another year. We go over twice a year, May & September to buy tamales @ Los Hernandez. My kids subsist on tamales and they have very high standards.

    We have been trading with these places for decades. Los Hernandez won a James Beard Award for Excellence this year. I have damn near foundered myself in that place more than once.

  4. I’ve driven by there when I had a customer in Union Gap but never stopped there. And beside nowadays I can’t eat huge burgers anymore like I could when I was in my teens and 20’s and if I did my daughters AKA the food police would kill me if the burger didn’t first.

  5. The jungle dwellers are destroying their own environment. If this McD’s was a franchise unit the owner was probably black, spent years working at McD’s and mortgaged his soul to buy it. Then the neighbors swing in and wreck not only the place but its’ reputation as a safe place to eat. People will be out of jobs while repairs are done and the sales will likely never recover. I wonder how long it took the cops to arrive. None of those colored folk seemed in a hurry to leave (there was still some looting left to do).

  6. @ scr_north

    There’s a lot of racism going on. Who’s more racist, black people or white people? Black people! You know why? Because we hate black people too! Everything white people don’t like about black people, black people really don’t like about black people. There’s some shit going on with black people right now. It’s like a civil war going on with black people. And there’s two sides, there’s black people and there’s niggas. The niggas have got to go. Everytime a black person wanna have a good time, ignorant-ass niggas fuck it up. You can’t have shit when you got niggas around, you can’t have shit. You can’t have no big screen TV! You can have it, but you better move it in at 3 in the morning. Paint it white, hope niggas think it’s a bassinet. Can’t have shit in your house! Why?! Because niggas will break into your house. Niggas will live next door to you break into your house, come over the next day and go, “I heard you got robbed.” Nigga, you know you robbed me. You didn’t see shit ’cause you was doing shit! You can’t go see a movie opening day, you know why? ‘Cause niggas is shooting at the screen! What kind of ignorant shit is that? “This movie’s so good I gotta bust a cap in here!” You know the worst thing about niggas? Niggas always want credit for some shit they supposed to do. A nigga will brag about some shit a normal man just does. A nigga will say some shit like, “I take care of my kids.” You’re supposed to, you dumb motherfucker! What kind of ignorant shit is that? “I ain’t never been to jail!” What do you want, a cookie?! You’re not supposed to go to jail, you low-expectation-having motherfucker!

    Chris Rock

  7. My fellow part time Yakimaniacs:
    I miss cheese zombies. When I told my kids what they are and how they were handcrafted by the lunch ladies every Friday at Lewis and Clark Jr. High the kids got jealous.
    As for not being able to eat burgers…skip the carbs and just eat the burgers.

  8. Jimmy you’re just imagining it, we Washingtonians are too busy bumping into stumps(I was told when I was in the Navy that since I was from Wash. state all we did was bump into stumps and we were still fighting Indians out here, in other words I was a hick from the sticks) or getting lost in the woods or sagebrush in the middle part of the state and every once in a while we manage to get out and see the light of day. Or if you’re in Seattle drinking too much overpriced foo foo coffee or smoking too much legal weed.

  9. I realize it’s baltimore, so…
    But if it wasn’t a shithole, those people would be taken to prison, brought back to the store to clean it top to bottom at the point of a gun. Call it community service.

  10. @geoff the aardvark OCTOBER 30, 2018 AT 3:57 PM
    “They’ll just replace them with rip off convenience stores AKA stop and robs. next door to the loan shark check cashing stores and liquor store.”

    Don’t forget the bail bondsman!


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