Baltimore Hits 300 Homicides for Fourth Year in a Row – IOTW Report

Baltimore Hits 300 Homicides for Fourth Year in a Row

Breitbart: Baltimore has hit its 300th homicide this year making 2018 the fourth year in a row where the dangerous city’s murder rate passed the 300-mark.

The high mark was reached on Wednesday when police were called to a shooting at around 11:30 p.m. Officers found a 30-year-old man shot and he died later at a hospital, Baltimore’s CBS affiliate reported.

The growing murder rate has made Baltimore the third most dangerous city in America overall, and with 300 murders among its 618,385 residents. The city also has the fifth highest murder rate in the country.  MORE

10 Comments on Baltimore Hits 300 Homicides for Fourth Year in a Row

  1. If the murders are disproportionate, showing greater numbers of Blacks killing blacks, like Washington DC, Baltimore will decriminalize murder.

    Name a metropolitan city controlled by democrats that is NOT a shithole filled with murders, corruption, drugs, rapes, users, abusers and losers.

  2. One wonders where the Black Community would be today without

    the heavy hand of the DNC. Herded into Ghetto’s much like the

    Jews in Socialist 1940’s Germany. Given just enough benefits to

    to become addicted….No different than Your average Drug Dealer.

    Now, 50 + Years later they are stuck in an endless cycle of

    violence and substance abuse.

    I’ve heard the average IQ of Ghetto Youth is around 50…That can

    only drop further…

    I’m not smart enough to figure a way out for them….I guess if

    there was more profit in helping them, than keeping them confined…

    Some Wise Person would figure it out…

    Keep in Mind the DNC counts this as a success…And would love to

    see all of Us in the same situation.

    Rant off.

  3. The media will contort the feces out of themselves to make this Trump’s fault.

    And Colbert will make a most funny joke about murder. Maybe he’ll get Alec Baldwin to read it.

  4. In an aside story on B’Gommorah:
    In Mount Vernon, a historic city
    neighborhood, some piece of trash
    torched 5 cars parked along the street. “Merry Christmas” Baltimore style.


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