Baltimore Mayor: “I’m Not Committing The Murders—So how can you fault leadership?” – IOTW Report

Baltimore Mayor: “I’m Not Committing The Murders—So how can you fault leadership?”

Bongino: Baltimore, Maryland has one of the highest crime rates in the United States. It also is a city that has endured the most liberal leadership, similar to other crime-stricken areas such as Chicago, Detroit and Los Angeles. As recently as September, in the span of only 16 hours seven people were shot in various neighborhoods throughout Baltimore.

Unfortunately, that scenario is not uncommon in the area. According to the Baltimore Sun, at least 296 people have been murdered so far in the Baltimore area this year. Baltimore’s mayor, Bernard “Jack” Young said during his weekly press conference that “there’s not any lack of leadership of my part.” He continued, “that’s what people need to understand. I’m not committing the murders. The police commissioner is not committing it. The council is not committing it. So how can you fault leadership?” more here

18 Comments on Baltimore Mayor: “I’m Not Committing The Murders—So how can you fault leadership?”

  1. – Now tell me again, how is it the fault of gun manufacturer’s (Remington) problem that criminals use guns to kill people? Oh, I see.

    “that’s what people need to understand. I’m not committing the murders. The police commissioner is not committing it. The council is not committing it. So how can you fault leadership?”

  2. Well, when a baseball team doesn’t hit, score runs, or play defense well, they dont win games. Typically, it’s the leadership AKA the manager and coaches who pay the price for the disaster on the field. Sadly, your “owners” refuse to vote you out and the disaster continues unabated

  3. Somehow the life lesson of “you are responsible for everything under your leadership” has eluded him.
    What am I saying? Eluded? Hell! Ran away at full speed!

  4. OT, Adam Schiff’s Liefest reconvened today, so I used my magic powers to change the breakroom TV to “Divorce Court” this time, again before our large foreign contingent came in.

    …it’s kind of the same thing, anyway…

  5. Travelers – avoid Baltimore!
    When traveling Interstate 95, blow by B-more by either using the tunnels ($4 toll each way) or take the 695 beltway west side, which adds about 15 minutes and no tolls, or take the Key bridge ($4) and get a nice view of the bay. There are two nice rest stops just North of the city where you can relieve yourself, get a bite to eat and fill up your tank (MD House and Chesapeake House). There is a smaller rest stop just south of the beltway, near Laurel.


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