Baltimore MD school system lowers GPA standards in order to keep high school sports teams – IOTW Report

Baltimore MD school system lowers GPA standards in order to keep high school sports teams

Baltimore Sun: The Baltimore school system is revising its academic standards for student athletes after district officials estimated that rules taking effect this year meant six high schools might not be able to field a single sports team this fall.

Under academic eligibility standards approved by the school board in 2016, students must have a grade-point average of at least 2.0 and no more than one failing grade to play interscholastic sports. For fall sports such as football, a student would need to have earned at least a 2.0 GPA during the previous year’s fourth quarter or in summer school.

The district is now delaying the implementation of that rule. Students will have until after first-quarter report cards before their eligibility for sports is determined based on GPA.

Officials said they want to give students and coaches time to adjust to the new standard. Previous rules required only that students have no more than one failing grade.  read more

14 Comments on Baltimore MD school system lowers GPA standards in order to keep high school sports teams

  1. It just doesn’t hurt the sports children, but the ones who really care (yes, there are some in most schools) about their grades and future. When they try to get into college, they will hesitate to admit a student from a school that plays numbers with grades. They won’t know if this student really earned their grade or not.

    Such a heartless, evil thing to do for all concerned.

  2. Everything is a “cheat” these days.
    Boys with boobs competing with girls.
    Dumb down the children has been going
    on for along time.Antifa creeps are living proof…

  3. Hand out “grades” on the basis of statistics and demographics.
    Everyone knows that “grading” human beings is racist (or something) and only leads to some making something of themselves and others becoming meth-heads or winos.

    Baltimore is a cesspool.
    The only qualifier for a cesspool is: “which floats better?”
    Cream may float to the top of milk, but turds float to the top of the cesspool.

    At least they’re attempting to be honest about their imbecilities.
    “Ar studintz be’s so stupid, we’s gotzda lowar da stanards, soz day can kepe playing dere games, an shit.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. DemocRATs lower everything down to the lowest, common level of SUCK for equality!
    (Hey that sounds like a Stormy Daniels slogan)
    It’s a whole lot easier than making things better cuz, that’s, like, ya know… a LOT of work!

  5. DAN

    You think you are being facetious but this happens all the time in the West. Particularly SC. 2 specifics:

    70 years ago we had a PCC. 1 of their rules was all athletes had to be “Student “ athletes. 1 , of many, qualification of “Student” athlete was “successfully” complete Algebra 2. SC had the best running back in college in ’55 +’56. A sharp alumnus of another school looked up his Boards – only 500 in math. How can you score so low if you successfully completed Algebra 2? PCC investigated and turns out the LA school He went to was pressured by the coaches at SC to “inflate: his grades. So OS – the 3rd best team in the PCC in 56 went to the Rose bowl. And got destroyed. The dumb non student athlete was Jon Arnett. The PCC forced him to sit 5 games. SC lost 3 of them; and was #3 in the PCC in 56. Even though when Jon played they were probably the best team in America.
    2. About 4 years later John McKay forced the Professors at SC to inflate the grades of the McKever boys. Time ran an “expose” on it I think ‘569 maybe ’60!
    Hey my moniker says “ol”

  6. Our city picked a Baltimore deputy superintendent last year to be our Director of Schools and help replicate their success.

    As one might surmise, race had absolutely nothing to do with his choice.

    Imagine everyone’s surprise when he immediately began hiring cronies with zero education experience and paying them six figures to consult. Or, when there was a $7.5M budget shortfall somehow.

    Or, that when anyone had the temerity to ask WTF is going on that he showed up at a press conference playing obscene rap songs to hype him up against the haters:

    “The school board hires him — and, clearly, he could [not] care less about the opinions of at least two of them,” he added.

    Reverend Enoch Fuzz, a community activist who has recently been critical of some of Joseph’s budgetary decisions, said the playing of the rap song “seems to be out of a frustration.”

    Fuzz recently came to the defense of the two dissident school board members after one of Joseph’s fraternity brothers accused Speering and Frogge of engaging in what he called “a public lynching.”

    When Frogge confronted Joseph, he denied that he thought the two are racists.

    Still, he declined to rebuke a fellow fraternity member.

    “If a member chooses to come and speak,” Joseph said, “he has the right to do say and say what he feels is on his heart to say.”

    The schools director also went on a radio show and compared himself to the nation’s first African-American president.

    “They beat up the last president I knew, Barack Obama,” Joseph said. “So, you know, it’s expected. It’s alright. I’m going to try to keep cool like he is.”

    And people wonder why normals abandon the Metro area in droves.

  7. Amazingly, some people still think actors and sports figures are somehow qualified to give others advice.
    “The United States had become a place where entertainers and professional athletes were mistaken for people of importance. They were idolized and treated as leaders; their opinions were sought on everything and they took themselves just as seriously-after all, if an athlete is paid a million or more a year, he knows he is important … so his opinions of foreign affairs and domestic policies must be important, too, even though he proves himself to be ignorant and subliterate every time he opens his mouth.’- Heinlein


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