Baltimore ‘Safe Streets’ director fatally shot in the head while visiting housing project – IOTW Report

Baltimore ‘Safe Streets’ director fatally shot in the head while visiting housing project

Blaze: Dante Barksdale, an anti-gun violence activist who worked as the director of Baltimore’s Safe Streets program, is dead after being shot in the head.

According to the Baltimore Sun, Safe Streets outreach workers “mediate disputes in the hopes of de-escalating conflicts.”

“They also lead public education campaigns and work closely with faith-based organizers and community members — and explicitly not with police — to steer young people away from violence,” the paper reports “The program has been hailed as one of the city’s most effective crime-fighting tools.” more

h/t Not at all confused.

35 Comments on Baltimore ‘Safe Streets’ director fatally shot in the head while visiting housing project

  1. “They also lead public education campaigns and work closely with faith-based organizers and community members — and explicitly not with police — to steer young people away from violence,”

    …well, THAT didn’t work.

    …I did street medicine for 10 years and met a LOT of diverse people.

    And I’m sorry, but SOME people are just fucking crazy.

    You can’t reason with them, you can’t rationalize with them, you can’t “talk them down”, because they’re crazy.

    …at the end of the day, you literally can’t argue with a sick mind.

    …guess THIS guy didn’t learn that lesson soon enough, but he’s learned it pretty permanently now.

    And not to be a dick to the dead, but he’s probably going to get a LOT of other people killed even from beyond the grave as they try to pursue his no popo policies “in his memory” even though they COMPLETELY misunderstanding human nature.

    …but kudos to him for actually putting himself on the line for his stupidity, most Democrats would just get OTHER people killed.

    …so RIP, I guess, guy who died in service of a really bad idea he had. At least you had courage to your convictions, even though your basic premise was demonstrably wrong as you yourself just proved…

  2. I saw this comment on another blog so i’m copy and pasting it here.


    As I drive through this BLUE city I protest all the time. You can do that too.

    Keep a box of crap next to you, fill it with that stuff you can toss slowly out the window as you drive though the city and highways.

    Spread it out. Look behind you then toss out those coffee cups, AA batteries, bottles, cans, bottle caps, napkins, whatever crap floats your boat.

    Make it look like the 3rd world dump they voted for.

  3. Anyone who dares to try and improve the situation is fair game to the scum controlling this country. Those in that blighted community that cower in fear have lost someone who offered a thread of hope.
    The same can be said for the administration of Trump.

  4. Elijah Cummings was the rep for this area and he never lifted a finger to improve things while wearing the facade of a minority hero. Now in their wisdom they rejected Kimberley Klacik for another longtime race hustler scumbag Queezy Mfumey.

  5. I worked with a do-gooder that would go with his church to clean lots in the ghetto.
    I said “You’re gonna get shot.”
    He called me ‘almost racist’.
    He got robbed at gun point the next weekend.
    Didn’t go back.

  6. I don’t condone the Mafia but those hoodlums kept the streets safe.
    The black gangs keep the areas looking like Dresden. Worse yet, the gang leaders are funneled tax money by the dems to control the areas and keep the votes coming.

  7. “Baltimore ‘Safe Streets’ director fatally shot in the head while visiting housing project

    The program has been hailed as one of the city’s most effective crime-fighting tools.”

    I don’t know why I don’t feel any sympathy for “stupid.” I think I’m snickering deep down. Ironic.

  8. The following assine statement is the reason why the leftist media are considered absolute idiots;

    “The program has been hailed as one of the city’s most effective crime-fighting tools.”

    Obviously, it didn’t work for the program director.


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