Baltimore’s new mayor shuts down all restaurant dining on first day in office – IOTW Report

Baltimore’s new mayor shuts down all restaurant dining on first day in office

Just The News:

Baltimore’s newly sworn-in Mayor Brandon Scott turned to coronavirus shutdowns and restrictions with an executive order on his first full day in office, which means in-person dining was banned starting Friday evening. 

Scott was sworn into office on Tuesday and at 36 years old, is the youngest mayor in the history of Baltimore.

No county in Maryland has completely suspended in-person dining this fall until Wednesday when Scott issued his executive order,  which consists of shutting down all indoor and outdoor dining. The state’s Republican governor has put a 50% capacity limit on most businesses, but none are as strict as Baltimore. read more

21 Comments on Baltimore’s new mayor shuts down all restaurant dining on first day in office

  1. The left is consistent.

    That is why they must be rejected and opposed on each and every issue, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant.

    Two apt analogies:

    “The camel’s nose is in the tent” and “give them an inch and they will take a mile.”

    We can NEVER give in on ANY issue, no matter how small.

    Just sayin’.

  2. …my first job was hand washing dishes in a mom-and-pop restaurant. The waitresses I worked with were mostly young women starting out too, some with kids. This wasn’t uncommon then, and isn’t uncommon now.

    The people you’re screwing with this are the ones who can afford it the least.

    And it’s got nothing to do with any restaurant specific threat.

    One of your own done ratted you all out…

    …it was never about the flu…

  3. Used to have a boat and some of the best memories were cruising up the Patapsco River past the steel mills that built the Golden Gate bridge, past the ramparts of Ft McHenry (Star Spangled Banner), alongside the huge ships carrying cars or sugar from Domino factory or spices from McCormack (the aromas told you what foreign spice they were processing) and then staying at the ritzy Inner Harbor Marina watching thousands of people touring the National Aquarium, Camden Yards for the Orioles, strolling on Federal Hill and the great restaurants, bars and shops.

    A world class attraction. Now, a shithole.
    All that federal money invested is trashed. All the boaters have sold and left. The marinas and restaurants all over the bay are a sepia memory.

    Thanks liberals. Keep raising taxes, breeding more parasites, and fostering the killing fields on the streets outside of Johns Hopkins U. Enjoy yourselves. My family is enjoying the Rocky Mts these days, fresh air, no graffiti or trash. Our guns are for hunting pheasant and antelope. Miss boating the Chesapeake but will never look back in my lifetime.

    You didn’t like Trump calling you out, but he didn’t lie.

  4. So when are the Untouchables, Federal, state and local govt. enforcers gonna start raiding restaurant speakeasies or show up at your house because you have one too may people over for dinner or God forbid they’re not members of your immediate family. My in laws with their 9 kids including my future wife would be in deep shit now for any family mealtime get together. Fuck the left!


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